
Should Muslims start working towards the independence from the kuffar of ramadan section?

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Like how Pakistan was separated from India, and our comrades in Southern Philippines and Thailand are now trying to do? Christians, Buddhists, Hindus etc. have the religion & spirituality section; I just want Ramadan to be a pure Islamic section. This section's mostly used by muslims, so what more reason do we need to strive for an independent shariah-run section of Y!A?




  1. I think they should be banned, even though their question are downright pitiful and show theit lack of knowledge or intelligence.

    They are still doing the wrong thing, this is not a forum for trolls.

  2. lol.  I think the Ramadan Section should be banned.  Is that an option?  Well, thankfully there aren't too many Shariah run places so let's just keep it that way, ok.  

  3. Can I be the Ramadan Imam, I promise to introduce free Buraq rides for all?

    How will we punish those that are not muslims that will come here under sharia law?


    What will the Shahada be to initiate a person into Ramadan section? Fair enough if they try to apostasise from this section we should issue a Blocking Fatwa and other means of treatment.

    Christians/jews.Buddhists etc should 'Highlight somehow' who they are when they come, like the Taliban that made unbelievers wear a coloured band around the arm.

  4. Brother we cannt ban non-muslims from taking part in the Ramadan Section ( even if we were to, how would we do it?).

    Alhumdulliah there are also non-muslims coming in Ramadan Section for understanding about Islam, and by the grace of Allah, some of them have Reverted to Islam. Such as one Brother, i forgot his name, sister "Cute Deep thinker" and sister "Meep".

    They used to post questions about islam, they were still learning about islam when i came to know them from Y/A Ramadan Section. Now Alhumdulliah they are muslims.

    As Ramadan near, InshaAllah I hope to find more and more such people (non-muslims) on Ramadan Section. Ramadan is a great oppurnity for these kinds of things to happen. If not reverting to Islam, @ least some of them will learn more about Islam, InshaAllah.

    I know there are some foolish people who have made Ramadan Section really...... but InshaAllah Ramadan is a month of Mercy, so let us pray to Allah (swt) to make a means for us to spread His religon---Ameen.

  5. It's the time for all Muslims to leave Ramadhan Section.......

  6. Why? Are you afraid that you cannot answer our questions?

    Asker: I am a ex Muslim. So wouldn't I be killed if I lived in Saudi Arabia according to the Sharia law?

  7. i am a hacker and i can block their computers from here , but i'll not just ignore them it's the best thing we can do.

  8. I agree anyone should be welcome to talk about Islam but yeah show some respect

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