
Should My Friend Give Up Her Horse?

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My friend Pheobe owns a beautiful paint horse, Princes Lea, and Lea is a gorgeouse Tobiano Paint, and Pheobe loves her a ton. But Phoebe almost neevr rides Lea, because she's not old enough to ride alone, and she leaves her tack and stuff around everywhere. I'm wodnering because she keeps asking me, Should I Give Up My Sweet Lea? Should she?




  1. i think it may be a good idea. no riding her, is not taking care of her properly and horses do need to be worked. yes, your friend may love her, but she is being unfair on her, the horse will proberbly be much happier in a home where she will be worked.

    having a horse is a huge responsibilty and you friend shouldnt have got this horse, if she couldnt offer it the life that the horse needs. if she leaves her tack and stuff around everywhere...well thats a bit stupid really as this stuff costs a lot and many people would take advantage of tack lying around like that. be honest it sounds like Phoebe isnt that bothered about riding her, because, ok she might not be old enough to ride alone, but if she REALLY wanted this horse then she would have found another way to keep this horse fit and healthy.

    if this horse isnt ridden for a long period of time, then there could be some effects on the horses health, not to mention that she will become naughty to ride, when someone does get back on her.

  2. No, she doesn't have to if she doesn't want to. I definatly wouldn't!  Next time she asks though you can tell her it's up to her. You may also want to tell her that it's anoying to have her tack laying around and she really needs to pick it up! Tell her that somthing might be stolen if she doesn't and that you aren't responsible for cleaning it up all the time. It also make the stable look really unorganized.

  3. no. she doesn't have to ride to have fun with her horse. she can just spend time brushing it and giving it treats. as for leaving her tack around, that has nothing to do with giving up her horse. she should just learn to be more responsible with her things so they don't end up lost

  4. Well I personally think this. I may be wrong but here is my opinian. NO horse is a bad horse. Some rich parents just buy there kids a horse because they have the money. They may not even know what the heack a saddle is? But I think that since she has made a connection with Lea, Lea has made a connection with her too. Request to her to take top notch care of all of her horse tack and especially her horse. She shouldnt be feeling that little voice (GIVE UP LEA) in her head. NO she shouldnt give her up. If this behavior continues with how she treats her things, i would recomend leasing the horse out so she is still hers but she is being ridden too. You would be suprised how much a horse forgets in only a few weeks.

    Hope this helped!


  5. It's up to her, but there are all sorts of things she can do without riding her horse! In-hand work, longing, walking her horse over trail obstacles- there are all sorts of things!

  6. If the horse is not being took care of then I think she should give up the horse, but I don't want to say either that she should give up something she really cares for, but I think the horse needs to be ridden or exercised regularly. I think that she should really try to find someone who can come down and watch her ride like her Mom or her Dad or even a sister or older friend she has can come out sometime and watch her ride until she is old enough to ride on her own. All you really need is someone who can call for help if you get hurt or something. Now I think it is somewhat important to have the person know the basic saftey of being around a horse, but I would say that she should give the horse up if she continues not be able to ride them, but if she is and she still loves and wants the horse then I think as long as the horse is happy that she could keep her.

  7. If its only for the reason that she doesn't ride much then not at all. i don't ride my horse much but could never sell him. He's my best friends and has helped me through some very tough times. Plus they're always a good shoulder to cry on.

  8. It seems like your friend could take a few lessons in horse care. Maybe you are the one to help her. Go on a few rides with her. Let her know that you are a friend and not just a "bossy boots" . Show her how and where to hang her tack and how to clean it. Maybe she has lost interest and the novelty has worn off. Either way, she should talk to her parents with maybe you there too as a guiding hand. Owning a horse is very hard work which should be enjoyed. It maybe easier to advise rather than tell her what to do. She sounds quite young and hasn't quite got the idea of what it's all about.

  9. No.


    Never .

    'Cause pets r our best friends.When v r alone they ralways with us.If we'll love them they also love us &will help us.

  10. I do not know how old your friend is.  But it could be up to her parents.  Owning a horse is a lot of work and having to pick up after them is also a lot of work.  At the stable I used to work at the owner would confiscate items left out.  Then if you wanted them back she would make you do a chore around the barn.  (Clean lesson tack, sweep, clean a stall)  Something to help her.  Well most kids learned fast.  They also do not like having to ask for their stuff back because it is embarassing.  

    If she wants to give up her horse then she should talk to her parents and express her feeling why.  It is understandable that she cannot ride with out supervision it is always a good thing for young riders.  I would maybe ask her why she does not want to have Lea any more and whether she still wants to ride.  Talk to her then tell her to talk to her parents

  11. well if she isn't old enough to ride alone, she could take lessons.

    as for leaving her tack everywhere, someone would have to tell her not to.

    and it could also be up to her parents as to whether she sells Lea or not.

  12. No. She should not give up her horse. She sounds like she loves her very much, but can't ride her because of her age. Tell her that you could ride with her, with buddy stirrups. You could also help her take care of her, as in mucking out her stall and tacking her up. Talk it over with your friend, and you'll figure something out. Good luck!

  13. yes and give her to me-paints are my favorite kind of horse!!  How old is she?  Maybe she's too young to take responsibility for her horse.  I know if I had a horse I wouldn't want to give it up but she might be better off with someone that's going to ride her and take care of her properly.

  14. no she will get older and be able to ride more independently

    riding alone is not a safe practice stuf happens and if someone is there they can help and if no one is there there may not be any help till you are missed have great day and remember there are horses in heaven

  15. No i don't think she should, if she loves her, cares for her and has the money to look after her i don't think she should, unless it's a problem to look after her.

    as for the tack, maybe tell her about it, and the risks of doing so. It could get stolen, damaged, or dirty.


  16. NO! I find Riding isn' t all there is! I haven't ridden my old mare in months! but then again she has arthritis but that being said when she was sound I only rode for a few hours a month! I enjoy brushing, bathing her etc. just bonding with her I even bake treats for her! ridding is not always all it's about! I walk her around and let her graze and just like to be around her! that is my take on horses! I just like being around her!

    she is my therapy when I need someone to talk to  she is always there to listen! (:-) but when she was in pain I also was there with the vet to see that she was diagnosed and treated!

    leaving things layng around is just a part of taking on responsibility! sounds like your friend is very young! she'll get past it! if she has to work to pay for the tack things will change! some parents just give and give! I'm sure she does love her horse just has to be shown how to take on the resopnsibility of owning one!

    someone else said show her! don't be pushy just a gentle reminder now and then will help!

    Good luck!

  17. no

  18. no, even if she can not ride her very much, she could spend time with her grooming her and making her look beautiful, she already sounds beautiful anyway mind.

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