
Should NASCAR be forced to use ethanol rather than gasoline as an example for the US public?

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Should NASCAR be forced to use ethanol rather than gasoline as an example for the US public?




  1. that would mean they teams would spend alot alot of money makein new motors and ect ect you really want them to do all that just cause yur tired of paying high gas prices oh well deal with it i drive a company truck that i must drive when i do outside work its an 2004 Chevy 3500HD Dually with the Duramax in it how do you think i feel paying 4.35 cent a gal

  2. No way. Then the cars will only drive like 90,i guess. So a 2 hour race will last 4 hours.

  3. I'd rather them NOT use ethanol.  Do you know what the grocery prices would go to??  They would use so much of it, anything with corn or that feeds on corn would be ridiculous.  Eggs, Milk, Corn, meat, etc...

  4. No.  Who's going to force them?  The U.S. government?  I think they've got more important things to do than regulate sporting events.

    Not sure what kind of example that would be, anyway.  "We are forcing NASCAR to use ethanol, if you don't obey us, we will force you as well?"  Doesn't sound too democratic to me.

  5. Ethanol is WAAAAYYYY over-rated.

    No, NASCAR should stick to Gasoline.

  6. Nope,

    Ethanol has already driven the price of food up.

    Diverting food to use for fuel, is not really a good idea,

    And they should start using "non-food" vegetation, to make Ethanol with, on land not easily used for growing food, deserts, hillsides, etc.

    We need corn, etc more than our cars do.

  7. no thanks al gore

  8. First off you set examples by willingly doing something not by being forced. Then how is it setting an example when you are using a fuel that is more expensive, and by some test that have been done more harmful to the environment than fossil fuels. Plus another downside is that all other products that are a result of  either feeding or using corn will go up in price. Plus not everyone can afford to go out and buy a new car just so they can use that type of gas, and then they have to pay more for it so how is it really beneficial.

  9. Who is going to force them?  Nascar is a private entity and do what they want to.

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