
Should NHS Direct be advertised in the health category?

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It genuinely worries me that they have a health section in Yahoo! Answers.

However, if they advertised NHS Direct, it might make people aware that, they can speak to someone who is qualified to give medical advice!




  1. if your dumb enough to seek help from strangers, you need more than a health check

  2. That sounds like a very good idea. Maybe you should leave a suggestion on the suggestions board. You brought up a valid point.

  3. I agree completely.  Also they should advertise phone lines where people can talk confidentially about depression, mental health issues, and so on, also Childline.

    NHS Direct being advertised is an excellent idea, along with a prominent disclaimer when people want to ask medical questions.

    You're right - people might not know which is the best answer for them, and there are plenty of answerers who'll take a stab at something they know next to nothing about.  I've seen people pick a best answer and thought "oh no"!

    There are nurses that answer questions on there, but Yahoo are sending the message "it's ok to ask a bunch of strangers about your health problems".

  4. Some people on here are qualified to give medical advice :)

  5. People have questions about their health that they may feel too embarrassed to speak to their doctor about

    Y!A is as good as place as any to find experienced professionals willing to offer sound advice. You just have to be careful whose advice you believe

    nothing stopping anyone seeking help here and on NHS Direct

  6. You are right there Quirky.

    I have been very worried myself, and briefly posted a Q in Health yesterday ~ but I deleted it myself, as the answers were depressing me more tbh.

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