
Should NZ become Australias7th State, inorder experience RWC Victory again ?

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Lets face it we Aussies are just mentally tough and focussed, we ride on a "high need for achievment", unlike out little NZ bro's who suffer an extream "fear of failure", they just haven't learn't to win yet ! So should they become our 7th State, untill they learn what it takes to win, withought making excuses before hand, hey bro !




  1. I don't know whether they have teles or books where you come from, but i don't know if you realise it yet but we actually did win the world cup once.

    Why would we want to become part of a country that is so ugly in personality?  I stayed in Melbourne for half a year and it was the worst experience of my life.  Taxi drivers ignore you, people are quite cold, transport is revolting and you know you are going to catch something from it, and we have ALOT of high achievers in our country.  If you don't know half of them maybe thats something you could look into.

    I am so grateful that there is a country like New Zealand that is not connected to larger countries that can destroy it's beauty.  If your thinking that it would be great to maybe get some experienced rugby players on the Aussie team sorry buddy but your out of luck.

  2. Oh please!  Surely you jest?   The ABs will continue to do the biz which is approach each game and win. Simple as that!

    So back to the couch mate and those stimulating programmes of Home and Away, and Neighbours.

  3. One word answer. NO

    Just look back and see how much progress in the game has been due to the NZ style of play, also look at the win loss record of the ABs in recent years (actually in most years except 1998)

    Even if the NZ team was merged with the Aussie team to for an ANZAC side, I would imagine the majority would be from our side of the Tasman ;-)

  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAH  Before I address your question, I have to say something.  If you are going to go online and proclaim Australian's as being "mentally tough and focussed", you may want to brush up on some basic spelling and grammar.    "inorder" is two words and you should add "to" after it.  "Victory" does not need a capital letter.  "achievment" needs another letter.  "unlike out little" I'm guessing you meant "our".  "extream" extreme.  learnt doesn't have an apostrophe.  Until only has one "l".  "withought" are you serious?  I know spelling mistakes are all part of the game online, but really, it's just sad your "mentally tough and focussed" expertise doesn't stretch to the classrooms.

    Now on to your stupid question.  I am assuming that you only count RWC's in your assessment of success because your record outside those, is really nothing to crow about.  In fact, other than your wins, you guys have been pathetic at the RWC.  You lost to France AND Wales (WTF???) in 1987, you didn't even make the SEMI'S in 1995 and are responsible for letting the d**n Poms win it IN YOUR OWN HOME LAND!!!!    All that and a whole one tournament win more than us qualifies as a "high need for achievment"???

    "they just haven't learn't to win yet"  How do you classify this?  I was searching for a way that you could be right but I just can't figure it out.  A team that has racked up a 74% winning percentage in over 100 years of the game, hasn't learnt to win?  Should we compare this to Australia's 51%?  Actually, if you take out all the USA, Wales etc and just count NZ, SA, England, France and the Lions, your percentage is a WHOPPING 37.5%.  Truly Australia does have a "high need for achievment" and has obviously "learn't to win".

    I think I speak for most New Zealanders when I say that we'd rather lose the next 3 RWC's and play our style of rugby than be even remotely connected to Australia... in fact, if you guys want to raise that 37.5%, we could make you a province of NZ.  The Wobblies may actually make it in our Division 1 NPC... although Counties-Manukau would give them a run.

  5. No chance clown.  Over my dead body.

  6. dumb dumb auss,,,

  7. Doesnt make much difference; you both share the British Queen and are part of the Empire. You colonials should learn to get along.

  8. Obivously you know absolutely nothing bout New Zealanders ocker!Just because you little bro to USA and England and follow them to Iraq and we had more sense not too  we dnt need you!!!!!!!.

    We improved your game mate helped you in your rugby structures giving you a weath of knowledge.When England,Australia and South Africa won the cup we beat all of you comprehensively every single year 3 to 4times a year.When we won it was nearly three years to when we lost.

    Every 4 years its on the day and the tournament can be over-rated because we kick everyones butt every year ,anytime anywhere.It would be snowing in h**l before us Kiwis even ponder the thought to become a state of Aussie,the thought makes me sick. you havent earned the rite to call us bro ocker!Just keep your anthem"Drunken Matilda".GO THE ALL BLACKS

  9. History shows, New Zealanders like to win on their merits.

    Australian sports have been plagued,for many years with dishonesty, winning at all cost,even if it means cheating.

    The Chappel "underarm bowling" incident ,comes to mind,Race horses,there ,are often switched, or doped.Sports Stars are regularly caught using drugs, Wendal Sailor, Joey Johns, the list goes on  , officials and administrators, get caught covering up.Just look at the standard of Refereeing in the NRL ....give me a break !

  10. Is that how they get you to spell in Australia? Jokes aside, everyone seems to forget that the Wallabies have only won 1 more RWC than the All Blacks.... hardly something to brag about.

    The question should be when is another country going to be favourites leading into the RWC, other than the All Blacks.

    I'd say not in out lifetime.

  11. I'm act chew lee all four it, hey bro.

    Cause ya no wat ? Hellin Klark wiil b runing tha sho in know thyme. Yous fellers are al two fick too vote, hey bro?

    Australian must be the only country in the world where you are actually fined if you don't rock up to a cast a vote !

    What's that about ?

  12. there is always one aussie that wants to take the p**s, I don't think any Kiwi would ever want to become part of Australia, look at john Howard recently running around trying to sell your uranium to as many countries as possible, he knows your economy is in trouble and encoraging nuclear power in other countries would create a huge uranium  mining industry, that might help the aussie economy, befor you australians see how bad it really is. thats why you now have gst. this however is about rugby and new zealand doesn't need australia to play rugby.

    We are the best. even when we don't have the world cup in our trophy cabinet, we still beat all the so called World champs.

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