
Should Native Americans be allowed to deport white people from north America?

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Should Native Americans be allowed to deport white people from north America?




  1. Native Americans--HAHAHAHA!

    No one is native in America. We all came from somewhere else a looong time ago.

    I love and respect Indians and am saddened by what happened to them, however, I have nothing to do with it.

    BTW, I have yet to meet an Indian that refers to themselves as Native Americans. I have friends that are Lakota Indians.

    I ask Indians to give us a factual account on how they manifested right here on USA soil.

    Don't tell me that a GREAT EAGLE pair, from the sanctuary of the CREATOR, laid lots of eggs and from them hatched our people.

    What part of Asia did you immigrate from?

  2. Yes!

  3. As a Native American and Veteran of 23 years I would not respond to a question as this however because of some of the comments from your list I must. I was born on a reservation and have never touched a drop of alcohol, I have never taken drugs or tabacco. My family have all been in the military and have served with honor and dignity. For those of you that are not from this land I hold no anger for what history has done to my people.  Although we have had our land taken away and have been prisoners in our own country I am still proud to call myself an American. Although I sit confined in these walls of history I am as free as an eagle. Freedom isnt Free and to disrespect others from such ignorant and rude remarks just shows the intelligents that your parents have taught you.

    In answer to the question: No

  4. First off, the American Indians (they're as native to this nation as me, and if I can't call myself Native American - neither can they) never had ownership of this land. In fact, when they were encountered by the white Europeans...they had no concept of ownership at all. In their culture, land was taken and lost in battle among the various tribes. Within the boundaries of their own culture, we took the land in battle and held it.

    Second, much of the land WAS purchased from the American Indians. Not purchased in the sense of money, but purchased in the sense of bartering land for goods. To the American Indians at the time, this was a great deal for them since they were getting something for nothing.

  5. "Native Americans" did not own the land, did not have immigration laws, etc.  They did not have the right or the power to deport anyone arriving/moving around this land then, and certainly don't now.  Besides, who would support them, provide them with welfare, etc?  "Native Americans" are US citizens, same as every other citizen, and under the Equal Protection amendment, should not be entitled to any more or any less rights than any other citizen.

  6. white Catholics or white protestants?

    white Anglos or white Latinos?

  7. White people expelled Jews from Europe.

  8. Wouldn't be a smart move. Who would cut them their welfare checks and sell them liquor?

  9. only the racists,bigots ,hypocrites perverts ,and mando

  10. no.

  11. No,the Native Americans never owned it and as much as you may hate this fact, whites named it, settled it and built it. The only people who need to be deported are the illegal aliens.

  12. Ask the Seminole Tribe of Florida if they first want to give up the $120,000 per year that every tribe member gets from state gambling and casino proceeds.

    I doubt they would want to give that up.

  13. I think the indigenous people should kick the immigrant Native Americans out, that's for d**n sure.

    Native American never owned the nation so No they shouldn't.

    Maybe if that had formed a government, had laws, and a military like smart people, but you snooze you lose. This is one stupid question.

  14. If you do, people like me who work really hard wouldn't be around to finance your housing, free medical care, free dental care, college educations, food stamps, etc. - you know, all the stuff that I have to pay for.

  15. Native Americans had bad immigration policies

  16. The history is always told by the people who won the war. Obviously many people here think that the Native American were some stupid folks that did not have any conception of property. But the fact that they told you that in school doesn’t mean that is the truth, they want you believe that though, because they don’t want the children to believe that their ancestors were some cowards with guns that arrived killing people. This question as stupid as it seems it is only stupid to those Americans that still live inside their bubble.

    The people with power will always educate their kids to think that their ancestor were correct in all aspects. And they are still doing it making people belive (for example) that war is necesary.

    If you are the son of a killer that doesnt make you a killer, so to answer your question... No....... they dont have the right to deport anyone from anywhere, because the killer is already dead... and you should not take revenge on the son...

  17. I'd like to see them try it!

  18. no,  altho the Native Americans were treated unjustly, it was a conquered land.  the Native Americans and the southerners were the worst treated after a loss of war. the Japanese Americans were treated badly at the beginning and during another war. many whites are now descended from the Native Americans.

  19. As another Native American Veteran I find offensive the remarks made by a few equally as offensive as this question. I fought with men from the USA we covered each others backs without regard to their race. Where we were no man escaped the sun, color was moot. We were and are United States citizens. My family doesn't receive welfare and I am not a drunk. This land wasn't built by whites it was built by all men of all races. The disrespect on this forum I see has taken new turns by the ignorant. My friends died for this? I fought for this? I lost part of myself for this? The funny thing about it is I'd do it again for YOU. GOD BLESS AMERICA

  20. oh, please, grow up already!!

  21. The only people who should be deported are illegal alien criminals.  Regardless of race.

    There are 20 million in the USA and we should deport all of them.

  22. Hmm. Most of you people, including the asker, are all morons.

    We are ALL Americans now. Everyone who was born here has a right to be here...regardless of skin color.

    I am an American Indian woman of the Aniyunwiyv and Mvskoke peoples, and I am proud of it. Never touched a drop of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco in my life. I make straight A's in school. I'm getting my college education. Never been pregnant, never been suicidal, never been into gangs or anything like that. My parents and grandparents are hardworking people who would be just fine without casino money and government handouts. The stereotypes and attitudes that have been displayed by some here are disgusting. You think all Indians are drunks? You think we're all ignorant? Think again. Sickening. Just sickening. I am fifteen, but I seem to have a better understanding than the vast majority of the adults in this thread. Go enlighten yourselves next time before you start spewing stupididity and ignorance out of your mouth.

  23. Next to Mando, this  wins the stupidest question on ALL of yahoo answers award.


    It's sad these so called Native Americans still think they "owned' the land.

  24. Lets see, we fought and won.

    We paid and keep paying.

    Who play at their casinos?

    I think they know a good thing.

  25. All races who illigally enter another country should be deported. As far as the comments on the list. Well guess what. The people who immigrated here are long since dead in my family. I am a mixture of races including Native American. Should I be deported? And where too? I have no problem with honest working people. I do have a problem with people coming here illegally to protest for rights in this country and put down the citizens that faught for this country only to support illegal immigrants. That goes for any race, any color.

  26. Native Americans should be given a lot more than the U.S. government does.

    The federal government should give them triple what they give them now!!!

    60% Unemployment

    Most have no running water

    Most live in poverty

    The U.N. should be contacted, cause its wrong.

  27. Hey if they can thats cool.  Its just proves that mistakes are not always good teaching tools.  They had a crappy immigration policy and wah Laa!  So do we!

  28. Good idea. Deport all of them and send them to where they came from

  29. USA treats bad the Native Americans

    Israel treats bad the Palestinians

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