
Should Nobel retract the prize awarded to Al Gore?

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He won the prize based mostly on his movie 'An Inconvenient Truth'. But we now realize that he misled us or erred a number of times in the film, and that it is not true. Do you think he should be able to keep his Nobel Prize anyhow?




  1. mande95747 is correct in that Al Gore lifted a scene, a digitally rendered scene no less, and put it in his movie.  Yes, the Nobel Peace prize should be retracted and given to someone who deserves it.

  2. He never deserved the prize.

  3. jealous?

  4. I think he should just hand it over or mail it back with "Return To Sender" scrawled on it.


  5. The Nobel committee has lost all respectability as far as I'm concerned. The same for Al Gore. They deserve each other. As the "for profit" Mr Gore's tactics become more widespread knowledge, the Nobel prize will become worthless fluff. Along the same lines as the Newsweeks "Man of the Year" award.

  6. I find it amazing that he won it at all... there were many others whom were more deserving and were proven to have helped humanity.... Gores 'winning' I felt was wrong in that his 'claims' for what may possibly happen is wrong.... not saying it won't happen but how can one justify giving him monies on a maybe whilst others are proven to accomplished what they have done?

  7. The Nobel price has been a joke for a while now.

    For god's sake they gave the peace prize to a terrorist, Al Gore's "HEY LOOK AT ME, CAN I HAVE ANOTHER 15 MINUTES OF FAME?" bit is nothing when compared to that.

  8. I can't say for sure whether or not he knowingly deceived the public with his movie 'An Inconvenient Truth', (I would be interested in researching this further) but what I do know is that he is definitely living a double standard. He mentions many reasons why/how we should change our cars, light bulbs, use public transportation, etc.... but he NEVER talks about the consumption of meat. There is irrefutable evidence that raising animals for food is worse for the environment than ALL of the world's cars COMBINED! The United Nations issued a report entitled 'Livestock's Long Shadow' stating this you can read it online, just google it or use my link for my source it is very long, but worth reading. I do not know his reasoning for not ever talking about this issue, maybe just an old fashioned hypocrite.  Whether or not you don't eat meat for animal-right's issues just doing it for the sake of the environment alone is enough or at least cutting back on your consumption.  EVERY little bit from everyone matters.

    So in answer to your question about whether or not he deserves to keep his Nobel award, I would have to say no. (if he did knowingly deceive the public with his movie then definitely NOT!) I just feel if you are going to teach the public about this or anything else, especially someone in his position to reach a VERY wide audience you have a BIG responsibility, you should be 100% honest about EVERYTHING! You cannot be a cherry-picker and do NOT do it strictly for financial gain, that is just dirty ;)

  9. Although there are quite a few minor mistakes, i think he deserved the prize. I admired his good and consistent attitude appeared in the forum answering the questions.

  10. Retract it?, the panel of old senile fools probably dont remember who they gave it to in the first place.

  11. The best part is, not it's come out that the visuals for the melting glaciers, etc., were actually computer animation taken from a movie!

    I'm not making this up!

    I believe it's from "the day after tomorrow".

    They absolutely knew this, it wasn't "a mistake" that is outright lying for an agenda.

    When Al Gore left office, he was worth somewhere between $1-2 million.

    He's now worth over $100 million, mostly from profits made from his interest in the company that deals in these carbon credit swaps.

    So if you ask me, that's the whole reason for what he's doing.

    He's making a killing on it.

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