
Should Obama's camp have to suck up to Hillary Clinton for her help?

by Guest21334  |  earlier

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I think so. Now that McCain has chosen Palin, obviously as a slam to Obama for snubbing Hillary, Obama's camp is running scared by her sudden popularity. Hillary shouldn't do them any easy favors without a price. I wouldn't blame her. What do you think?




  1. Don't take this the wrong way but I think everyone's wrong.  Hillary doesn't want Obama to win.  After all, let's face it, she wants the White House. She stands a better shot if Obama blows this one.  That leaves her the wide open front runner in 2012.  She'll do just enough (to satisfy party heads) to support Obama without sticking her neck out.  Beyond that she is already scheming for the next big one.  Don't kid yourself.

  2. Hillary should be shoved aside permanently and not spoken of again. As much as I dislike Obama's policies and political aspirations, the man has more self respect then to ask any hypocritical moron for help, like Hillary, By the by I live in NY and have met her twice, thank god America liked Obama more is all I have to say, but I'm hoping we'll continue with intellect's side and vote McCain/Palin 08!

  3. Yep. A lot.

  4. I don't know that Hillary is going to help with the Palin issue.  Palin is going to draw in the holier than thou, hypocritical, right wing nut cases.  You aren't going to change those people's minds with the likes of Hillary Clinton, those votes are sunk.  The real issue is do you expect John McCain to do anything different than he has the past 8 years.

  5. no i don't , she either cares about her party , or she doesnt

    and we all know she doesnt  

  6. Hillary is a democrat, do you honestly think she would sit by and let McCain win?

    Get real!

    Oh and Hillary can make mince meat out of Pilan!

  7. i like to think that the majority of women in this country arent that shallow to fall for that bull$hit stunt McCains pulling.

  8. Not when she's so happy he's paying her DEBT you idiot!

  9. Nope he doesn't need her help at all

    Obama 08

  10. Shush.

    Don't tell the dems, but obama should have put her on the ticket.

  11. Yes, I agree. And don't be suprised if he doesn't try to throw Joe Biden under the bus, before this election is over. He s the master of fip flop after all.

  12. I don't think anything Hillary can do or say would make one iota of difference to me.  SHE doesn't tell me how to think or act, and I will not vote for the Messiahbama.  Hopefully Hillary will run in 2012.

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