
Should Obama Honor Planned Parenthood for All They Have Done for America?

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... by making it so that millions of poor women have not had to suffer with raising a baby they didn't want?




  1. I suppose you have not passed up your right to abort a black baby for only a 500$ donation.

  2. He should push to make it free for all, and even provide a cash incentive to the women of his former Chicago ward to get abortions.

    Abortion lowers the crime rate and reduces the welfare rolls.

    Click on the link, and read the study.

  3. He probably should since he considers pregnancy the equivalent of having a tumor and they support the Democrat party exclusively.

    Planned Parenthood costs the taxpayers about $2 million per abortion because of all the lawsuits from botched abortions, but why should Obama care about that?

  4. He wouldn't want them "punished" by having a child.

  5. Don't do the deed if you are not willing to take responsibility for your actions. Abstinence, is actually the rule if you do not have the wherewith all to take responsibility and don't want a baby as a result of your actions.  Abortion is not a form of birth control it is murder.  

  6. I get your drift, after many questions, that you aren't in favor of abortion.

    But you should be aware that Planned Parenthood started because there was no way to get even infomation about family planning until Margaret Sanger.  She was even arrested for disseminating birth control information.  When I first got married, back in '66, as a married woman, I could not legally obtain birth control, despite the fact that the pill had just come out, and a man could buy a condom in almost any rest room.

    Sanger worked in the tenements in NY.  People were crammed into substandard apartments with only two windows per floor.

    You bet your prime time life Obama, and McCain, and anyone else in this country should honor Planned Parenthood.

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