
Should Obama Or Hilary win this Election?

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  1. Obama and Hillary should have a duel to the death and both loose!

  2. Hillary

  3. hilary for sure.

  4. Obama

    Not hilary because she will be influenced by her husband... and... because she's a woman (but thats not meant to offend anyone, its just my opinion)

  5. Neither, too many people are stereo typed as either a Democrat or Republican with little or no independant thought.  I choose to keep my individuality.  Neither Obama or Hillary have the experience to run a corporation with trillions of dollars at steak.  And many want to vote for change, but we have a balance of power and they can not effect change to any great extent.

  6. The best democratic candidate left the race as the news media ignored him concentrating on the novelty of a black and a woman running; not the first and only bid by a black or a woman but certainly an attention getter. Clinton lacks the stability to confront adversity and quickly looses her temper. She criticizes people degrading them to make herself look better. She claims to "have so many good ideas and opportunities for America" but she has been a Senator for 7 years and has not brought any forward. She voted for the bankruptcy law that has devastated thousands of low income families. She has tried for 15 years to get her health bill passed but can not get enough Democratic or Republican support for it; are you aware that her bill would allow the government to attach your wages to pay for a health plan of their choice if you do not voluntarily buy health insurance? A= Anyone B=But C=Clinton!

  7. I would rather see Hillary win because I trust her to handle the job much better than Obama.  I don't think she has a chance anymore because the media is so hateful to her.  The media is squarely behind Obama.  They even admitted it was to even the score between them seeing Bill as an added advantage to Clinton.  They are destroying her.

  8. A vote for Obama will most likely be a vote for the Republicans. There's no way middle America would vote for a guy whose middle name is Hussein.

  9. It has come down to 3 Senators: Hillary, Obama, & McCain.

    You have to make the choice by age, gender, or colour.

    Or you can decide by how fast to get troops out of Iraq.

  10. Obama should win. He is going to get my vote. Not all hispanics are supporting Clinton, Texas has hundreds of thousands of Obama supporters and more coming aboard every day.

  11. h**l no.

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