
Should Obama Re-Courtmartial or Apologize to Marines Murtha Called "Cold Blooded Murderers"?

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Is it against the DNC platform to stand up for our marines?




  1. Apologize.

    He has a lot of nerve calling our armed forces murderers when the radical Islamists are killing their own people NOT the US Marines.

    Just another fool and his ideas......trying to get you to vote for him because we don't like the war.

  2. If Obama had any character he would apologize.

    Of course this incident shows that Obama is not capable of selecting good advisers.  He supported Murtha's statements without realizing that Murtha was merely repeating enemy propaganda.

    Of course - Biden also repeated enemy propaganda instead of supporting those Marines against enemy propaganda.

    Nice to know that the Democrats are selecting people who will throw the troops under a bus in a partisan attempt to embarrass the President.

  3. Obama can't court martial anyone and it seems quite ridiculous to expect him to retract someone else's statement.

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