
Should Obama and Biden flip-flop places, Biden Becomes the Pres candidate, Obama gets lost in Delaware?

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Biden has not won anything outside

of Delaware in 40 years,




  1. yes

  2. Dems are super silly. Go McCain!

  3. I'm sure they're good at flip-flopping, but to be honest

    I wish they'de both get lost... anywhere.

  4. That is the good example of republican small brain thinking..

  5. well "smokingg original speech" joe biden, has never been a light house of great intellect, because he has always failed to understand that as a dummicrap, it is permitted to plagiarize and steal both your stump speeches and your Senate floor addresses, because you defend it as broad subject research, and then you take multiple slices of thought from many, deny until caught, to wit old smoking joe has on almost every occasion.

    joe can tell you his address, but can not define his position on any issue until he also checks with his staff to see if there is a speech he can "rehash ".

    it is indeed fortunate for the "dims" that joe represents in his own feeble way the second smallest state , on a peninsula, 3 counties, all face east to the cold deep salt water, because other wise he is a total professional poloticial tool, who has never had to deal with the real world, as he has always feed as do 99.% of the "dims" always at the public servant, pig swill, pork barrel feed lot.( an his children follow, this is always a DANGER from either party, NO CHILDREN in the family business if polotics.)

    "smoking' joe" (" yes,i wrote every word" joe biden senator from Delaware (D) and a proven liar. ) can not manage to find his way out of a open parking lot.

    That is far more than the empty suit meat puppet if not scripted at a teleprompter obama can do.

    The top of the ticket is far more ignorant, unready and naive, and is not able to convince or manage water to run down hill.

    if elected obama could do this nation a great service and resign on the first day after inauguration.

    for at his worst the spineless sponge "smoking joe " biden is a thousand times better than the "lattee ninga" Obama

    lattee ninga you ask, why yes, "light and totally timid effeet elitist, no integerty, no gonads ( thanks to jesse) ameoba.

  6. Obama made a good choice with Biden. Biden has the experience that Obama is lacking.

  7. As long as the ticket has no bushes or wanna be bushes like McSame i be will happy s***w exxon and haliburton

  8. Leave it to the Dems to have their ticket backwards. The election was set to be a layup for them and they blew it.

  9. that would be more in line with how it should be

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