
Should Obama ask Michael Jackson for his help to win the 2008 Presidential election?

by Guest61292  |  earlier

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I mean Michael would be able to provide free entertainment for those with the less intelligent mind which probably means for most of Obama's potential voters.




  1. Your question shows you suffer from dislexia.   You got it backwards.    The less intelligence  points to your party of preference,  which includes arrogant , false minds.  

    What an Elephants *** !      Big old lard *** Elephant.

  2. Wow it amazes me how far McCain supporters have come. It seems like it was just yesterday that you couldn't use computers. Look at you now. Good for you! Maybe next you might be able to form coherent sentences and political statements that actually make sense. Just like real people!

  3. Lame  joke that needs to be improve on

  4. after Palins speech, he wont need any help

  5. Yes, I think that would be great and he doesn't even have to worry about his daughters.

  6. that would be pritty cool actually... if he did thriller or something..

  7. that would gather the kiddie vote

  8. giggidyhawhaw...uhhhhhhh


    your question is dumb

  9. No. Stay in school.  

  10. lmfao.

    i love it.


  11. maybe obamas children could have a sleepover at Michael's house.


  13. Why not, it's just a big celebrity parade anyway!

  14. Uh, no.  Didn't Jackson move to the middle east?  

  15. Yes, great idea!

    After the RNC has exposed, however, I don't believe that anything will help Obama.

  16. Michael could buy the entire Voters in the nation.

  17. Nah, Obama has more class than that...

    McCain however has already used Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, I'm sure he has an anti-Obama ad in which he could use Michael Jackson in...  

  18. Oh...I thought you were going to say something like Obama should ask for MJ's secret to becoming white.

  19. NICE,Beat it beat it.It's a thriller.Come here little boy,spend the night.

  20. HA! no way

    Ron Paul all the way!  

  21. Maybe MJ will help him with the pedophile vote.

  22. Yeah, like the horrible country music that is currently playing at your convention.

    Sorry but we don't need any entertainment to keep our supporters AWAKE.

  23. here we go

    how about the crappy convention

    don't try to switch things up

    how do you feel about that horrible speech failin just vomitted on stage?

  24. Obama needs all the Black celebrities to win.

  25. Yeah give the american public more fluff thats what we want!!!!

  26. Maybe McCain should ask the Crypt Keeper to help win the 2008 presidential election too!

  27. Frank Sinatra should give McCain some help ..oh wait he's dead

  28. You do know that it is a fact that overall, Obama supporters are far more intelligent than McCain supporter's right? lol

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