
Should Obama be put up on Mt. Rushmore with Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt?

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Is it time yet or does Obama still have anything left to accomplish before being annointed as one of our great Presidents?




  1. you are the dumbest person in the universe!  

  2. I think he should. He's accomplished a lot being a black man to even come this far. He won the primary and beat Hilary Clinton and now he's going to win the presidency (we hope).....I call that something big for African-Americans....of course he should go up there!

  3. Put  Obama on the Backside of Mount Rushmore there is more room available.

  4. No,there's a few more poor souls that need to be hoodwinked into thinking he has said anything more than one word in his career  "change".I think some still think he paid his way through college,or accomplished his great feats through merit.That he was sleeping for 20 years of liberation theology.That he's not a Marxist or Muslim.That we can really count on him to be a straight shooter for us common folks.And that we all forget the past quotes of those great and noble AA  and Leftist. leaders   I'll leave you with those gems..[yes,some "whites" are included for you pc sensitives]  "Keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed."

      --- Noel Ignatiev, Jewish Harvard professor and editor of Race Traitor magazine (Washington Times, September 4, 2002)

    "The white race is the cancer of human history."  

      --- Susan Sontag (much-celebrated Jewish  "intellectual," whose recent passing was lamented loudly in Jewish circles)

    "I don’t care about your idiot children."

      --- Willie Brown (Mayor of San Francisco, to a white parent complaining that affirmative action would penalize his children), quoted in The Social Contract (Summer 1998, p. 290)

    "It's always illegitimate for white men to organize as white men."  

      --- William Raspberry (black columnist), Dubiously Exclusive, (Washington Post, Nov. 24, 1995)

    "Q:  What kind of world do you want to leave to your children?

    A:  A world in which there aren't any white people. . . ."

      --- Leonard Jeffries (chairman of the African-American studies department of the City College of New York), interviewed by T.L. Stanclu and Nisha Mohammed, Rutherford Magazine (May 1995, p. 13)

    "You guys have been practicing discrimination for years.  Now it is our turn."

      --- Black Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall (in a conversation with Justice William Douglas about racial preferences), quoted by William O. Douglas, The Court Years, 1939-1975 (New York, Random House, 1980)

  5. Yes, get him up there with a scaffold, a bucket, and a scrub-brush. lol

  6. No. Being the first Black president doesn't mean anything except he's the first.

  7. Don't put him next to those guys. He's much greater than that. Carve Mt. Everest into his likeness, that is more appropriate.

  8. No he has done nothing to deserve a spot on Mt. Rushmore.

  9. wow does not take much for you does it Why do i feel it's the same with man All they have to do is look at you and your in love Please stay away from my son he is only 13 and would not know better

  10. hi

    are youfrom iran

  11. Nope

    they should add Ronnie Reagan though.

    He was all time great & republican too.

    We need a republican like him.

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