
Should Obama make it legal for women to abort their babies when they are a month old after being born?

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Since most women see children as nothing more than a burden that should be tossed in a trash can.....should women be allowed to exterminate their children if they cry too much and burden the mom?




  1. First off, I think its ignorant to say "most women". Do you know "most women"? Your paint brush is much too broad!

    Secondly, Roe Vs Wade should stay intact. Pro-Choice.

    Next, my child is the absolute love of my life! Having my child was the best thing I've done to date.

    Lastly, I guess to answer your question in simple, plain a** english....


    Nor do I think he would ever consider this.

  2. wow. too bad your mother didnt abort you. im sure shes regretting that.

  3. You obviously have not heard one thing about what Obama actually says on this issue.  Its not "pro abortion", its "pro choice"...people have the right to choose whether a pregnancy should go through its full term.  Once in the third tri-mester, an abortion can no longer be performed unless it is to save the life of the mother.  So, how ignorant are you to even suggest what you are suggesting?

    Of course, we can all do what Sarah Palin did, hire a nanny and run for government office so she wouldn't have to care for them!

  4. The reason there is a cutoff for abortion is because at that point (in most states) the child can survive on its own outside the womb with assistance pending on how far along he/she is However, before the cutoff (in most states) the only chance at survival the child has is by taking nutrients from the mother

    You do not know the circumstances surrounding each abortion, so you shouldnt be so callous

  5. 'Should Obama make it legal for women to abort their babies when they are a month old'

    Perhaps you could explain to us why you think your hope of being able to do this lies with Obama.  Why do you think Obama would be sympathetic?  As he stated at Saddleback, despite being pro-choice, that doesn't mean he's pro-abortion. (transcript: )

    Obama wants to reduce the abortion rate, just like the rest of us.  He's just unwilling to take his anti-abortion stance so far as to make illegal a woman's choice in the matter, including in cases of rape, incest, or the endangerment of the life of the mother -- is the GOP platform.  He has, however, taken steps to try to reduce the abortion rate.

    Sarah Palin, however, opposes rape and incest exceptions for women seeking abortion.  In November 2006, in a gubernatorial debate, she declared that she would not support an abortion for her own daughter even if she had been raped.

    This position is almost as extreme as the GOP platform, which doesn't allow exceptions even in the case of the life or health of the mother.

    Furthermore, McCain is hardly one-sided on this matter.  McCain's saying to great applause at Saddleback that life begins at conception (actually it begins before conception; sperm and egg cells are respiring cells) of course doesn't reconcile with his support of embryonic stem cell research.  When he reminded the church audience of his position, he was met with -- crickets.

  6. According to Obama, mothers should have the right to murder their children even if the child survives the murder attempt!!

    And KitKat...your mother made a terrible and monstrous decision. She murdered a helpless and innocent child.

    But God is glorious and his mercy is infinite. I earnestly hope your mother has asked for forgiveness from our Savior.

    For my part, I hope they caught that rapist and hung him upside down by his manhood.

    God bless you both.

  7. HUH?

  8. Are you for real. Abortion happens before birth , after birth it is murder, and many states have laws that allow the mother to drop off the child at a safe haven.  

  9. Liberal answer.....yes please.  Why not shoot for 1 year olds......or if they are a different gender than desired......

    or what they do now...down syndrome or just pregnant from a crack binge

  10. thats COMPLETLEY differant! My mom was raped when she was 29 years old buy an intruder who broke into her house. And she had an abortion after she fell pregnant to him. So is she a bad person???

    You need to open your d**n eyes. He's not saying that people just just kill their kids for the heck of it. Its completley not true. But for people who are the victims of incest and rape, they SHOULD have the righ to decide what they do.

    No one else has the right to make that decision for them!!!

  11. I'm not a big supporter of abortion, but don't worry, when McCain wins, Sarah Palin will make sure you won't be able to abort if you get raped or if you become an incest victim! Good luck taking care of your baby from a father that might be in your family.

  12. You have mental problems, don't you?

  13. "Since most women see children as nothing more than a burden that should be tossed in a trash can..."

    Most women think that, huh?  So that of course means significantly greater than 50%?

    I hope you're trolling, rather than just plain stupid.

  14. NO

    You either failed biology or just want to rant.

  15. Glad I don't know any of these women.


  17. The shame is that his own mother didn't believe in it.

  18. Yes, what good are they anyway. All they do is cry and p**p. My dog is more valuable. It knows how to do tricks

  19. Peter Singer, liberal icon, says yes! Especially for retarded or disabled children.

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