
Should Odysseus have killed all the suitors in his house?

by Guest56446  |  earlier

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I need 3 reason why Odysseus should have or shouldn't have killed the suitors in his house.. please answer i need tremendous help




  1. i think he shouldnt have for the following reasons:

    1. he cheated on his wife. i dont care if it was "to save his men" thats a load of bs and besides he stayed with calypso of his own free will.

    2. his son got his first beard. there for he forfiets his right to be married to his wife as he promised.

    3. the suitors, wether bad or not, should be given a fair chance to win penelope. besides if she really loved him she wouldnt pick any of the suitors.

  2. That's kind of a complicated question. What do you think? Under what circumstances is it okay to kill a whole group of people like that?

    One way would be to go by the moral standards of the time. Back then, there were all sorts of reasons why someone could be excused for killing someone. Their plotting to kill his son would be one excuse.

    On the other hand, not all of them were involved and the suiters were children of leading men all over the country. So he made a lot of enemies by killing them.

    It depends on your morality, whether you think killing is always wrong, justified in some circumstances, universally the same, or different depending on historical context.

    Myself, I tend to think things need to be judged according to the context they are in. It's possible that during that time period, for Odysseus to not exact revenge would have been seen by others as a sign of weakness and invited further attacks. There are contemporary cultures where this is still true. It's possible if he let them go, they would have returned to attack him, so maybe he didn't have any other choice.

  3. not one did they terrorize his wife Penelope but they abused his house . ate all the food there and abused the help. by their standards you did that 'you die'

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