
Should Palin Drop Out To Help Bristol?

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Do you think Palin should drop out of the race out of respect for the privacy of her family and for the benefit of her daughter? Or is making an attempt to be VP more important then watching your child suffer at all the rumors and comments? What type of emotional problems do you think Bristol will have when this is over?

Personally, I think if Sarah had any real values, she would put her family first. This will not end, to many people believe they have a right to know everything about their candidates, especially when they may end up running their Country. So, what are you thoughts?




  1. No she should not drop out just because some so-called mature adults

    have issues. They are the ones with the problem, not Palin and her family. That would be for private famliy discussion not public opion!

  2. should the news organizations be held liable for releasing information about a minor?  a possible victim of statutory rape?  a clear violation of a childs rights?

  3. She should drop out but she is an attention w***e and dropping out of the limelight would go against her make up.

  4. gettin skeered are we?

  5. No, she has the government to help her take care of her child and her daughter can make her own way, they are republicans after all.

  6. She should be at home taking care of her (supposedly her own) 4 month old...

    What kind of life could you have if your mother abandons you to lead congress at 5 months old and pawns you off on your (again) pregnant sister (perhaps real mother)?

    So which is it -

    Her own 4 month old will be raised by a nanny or his sister?

    Or she faked a pregnany to avoid a bigger scandal?

  7. Maybe Obama should drop out because the racism that is being displayed might upset his children. What kind of man would subject his children to such racial hatred? Personally, I think if Obama had any real values, he would put his family first.

    Better than that, why don't you grow up and quit the name calling.

  8. Wait...a ...minute, here.  I do remember back in Clinton's day, you libs said that people's private life isn't a detriment to ones ability to serve.  After all, all Clinton did was have s*x, right?  Doesn't affect his ability to serve.  Right??

    And,  Obama has 2 kids...he's got a family.  Yet I don't hear people questioning whether he can do the job.  Should he drop out??  How 'bout Joe Biden when his wife died and he had 2 kids to care for?  Should he have resigned from the Senate?  Didn't hear any calls for that.  Right?

  9. No way. She should speak - the more the better. She is such a pretty gift for democrats., especially when she opens her mouth...What a lady-jerk

  10. Not only for the sake of her pregnant daughter, what about her four month old son with Downs Syndrome?  Children with special needs like this need a tremendous amount of care in their early stages. Where is her "family values" where he is concerned?

  11. She cares deeply for her children! She wants the best! She will put her children befor politics anyday! Leave the daughter ALONE!

  12. She's as phony as the day is long. She should drop out gracefully, and give McCain a chance to win this thing without the heavy burden she is and will increasingly become. She is a walking nightmare. I don't know WHAT they were thinking of when they decided she would be the pick. There are other far more qualified women who could be and would be an asset to the ticket.

  13. Politicians are money hungry zombies. They dont have any values.

  14. I think the media should leave Bristol out of it I mean even Obama agrees that they should leave the families alone I mean she has nothing to do with anything....

  15. This is a problem many Americans go through. AS an American she will show you how to do it. She knew before she agreed that her daughter was pregnant, and had that talk with her. It's funny to know that a Woman with 5 kids and a grand kid on the way is better than the Democratic Nominee for President.

  16. The candidate is not Briston Palin and because someone's daughter got pregnant doesn't make them a bad candidate!  On the scandal scale, a teenage pregnant daughter is waaaaay down there compared to your precious Clintons.  Did anyone do a background check on Bill to see what a lousy cheater liar pervert he was??

  17. Why would she? Her special needs child won't be getting the help he needs from a Mother, why would she drop out to help Bristol? Sarah has no Family Values, how can she be a Mother to either child?

  18. I bet that is what the sexist neanderthals want. They want her to withdraw because of rumors and comments about her and her family. The suffering isn't being caused by Mrs. Palin it is being cause by the idiots who want to make some ones private life a national issue. If Mrs. Palin has any real values she won't back down.

    edit: People who actually believe in women's liberation also believe that a husband can also be a daddy to a four month old child and the granddaddy to a new born.

  19. No she should be like Hillary and choose her carrier.  Her daughter is old enough to take care of herself.  Besides, Daddy will always be there to help if it's needed.

  20.   Nope. That's what the democrats want her to do. But for the good of the country she should stay in the race and become the next VP. She is the nearest person to Wonder Woman that we have and a great role model.

  21. Unfortunately her daughter is in for a world of trouble is she sticks with it and is elected.   Can you imagine...?  The VP's Daughter getting knocked up and having a b*****d child out of wedlock.  Think of the Christian Conservative Scandal!   Note that the official language used in the press reports is that she "plans on marrying" the father.  That doesnt mean "will" or "does."    Otherwise I feel sorry for her.  She's got it rough right now, I'm sure.  

    And to be fair,  She's just like any other teenager.  This happens to all families - even the best ones, with the best parents.

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