
Should Palin be BOOED for dropping Hillary's name?

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It ran on CNN. She is speaking to a crowd in Washington, Pennsylvania. She just gave tribute to Geraldine Ferraro, and there was some cheearing.

Then she name-dropped Hillary Clinton and the crowd actually loudly BOOED her!

Whether the crowd was booing Palin trying to compare herself to Hillary, or whether it was a Hillary-unfriendly crowd doesn't matter.

The booing crowd completely destroys the Republican narrative that she is going to attract Hillary voters.

I support Hillary and I would NEVER vote for Palin or McCain.

I read she phonied up her own pregnancy to hide her underage daughter's. Palin is from the dark ages, but this is America and she can try to latch herself to Hillary's fame if she wants to, right?




  1. She'd better learn what the VP does bofore making a fool of herself .

  2. Hillary isn't loved from the right side at all.....

  3. Obama-Biden 08, Yes We CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. i am not a hillary fan but i give props to her and ferraro for doing what they have done as women in presidential campaigns. at least be glad that palin has risen to the status she has in her own respective party.

  5. You are crazy. This is a classy lady who is giving Hillary the respect she deserves unlike the Democrats. I read that Obama is friendly with Ayers, slept with Larry Sinclair, took money from a convict Rezko, plagerized speeches, empty suit... and the list goes on... I will put Palins faults up against Obama's anyday.

  6. No matter how you obama bots spin it

    this is one fine lady and Sarah Palin and John McCain

    have more integrity and pride in the US then the

    whole Obama tribe... Michelle is a shame faced donkey

    Barack is a foolish socialitic numb nutz

    Biden is old politics and he will do nothing but blow his pie hole

  7. Republicans and conservatives are not big fans of Hillary. That is just the way it goes.

    I think Palin will bring in woman independents as well as a few Hillary supporters. She is bound to help McCain and the dems know it.

  8. Who gives a s**t.  McCain's name is booed by Ozombie sheeple.

  9. It would be helpful if she didn't call Hillary Clinton whiny or actually had anything in common with Hillary Clinton concerning the issues (aside from praising Obama's enenrgy plan, which got scrubbed). Yeah, polls suggest that the ploy for the most part failed. Surprisingly not that many people switched allegiance one way or another because of Palin, it just further polarized the people who were already voting for one or the other.

    The few Hillary supporters who are now voting for McCain/Palin (who as far as I can tell then, were only supporting either Hillary or Palin because they are sexist for reasons mentioned above) is offset by the moderate Republicans who see this as a sign that McCain has no idea what the h**l he is doing.

    Yeah, most Hillary supporters, especially woman, find the pick of VP highly insulting, like the token minority representative that is there just there so the organization can look diverse and not actually have any productive reason in be in the group except for an accident of birth.

  10. Sorry, but it is silly to draw the conclusion that republicans booing the name of Hillary Clinton means that Hillary supporters won't switch sides and vote for McCain.  Obviously the people booing were not Hillary supporters to begin with.  Where did you learn your logic?  It makes no sense, but I guess you are a liberal, so you are lacking in the logic department.

  11. Palin and Hillary have completely different stances on issues, so it's obvious he was not trying to win the Hillary supporters over.  So who asked ya?  You're an embarrassment to women if you think a woman can't be chosen because she's good.

  12. she was merely recognizing their accomplishments. she wasn't praising them or their policies... i see nothing wrong with that.

  13. I commend you for not being stupid enough to fall for that Gimmick.

  14. Why are you women so afraid of Palin, it cracks me up.

  15. Well, didn't Mr. Obama talk about Ronald Reagan on radio a while ago...calling himself an admirer?

  16. OK  That is why we have an election!  McCain/08 for me  xox

  17. Even in Alaska it would be difficult if not impossible to one fake your own pregnancy, especially while acting governor, and two hide your daughters.  This sounds like an internet urban legend.  Even if the mom (Palin) could keep this a secret, her daughter never could.  She would have to tell some friend.

  18. The booing isn't good for either side, it just increases the hostility between supporters of the two parties.

  19. If you believe the underage daughter pregnancy story you should have your head examined.

    Also....buying into such things doesn't make Obama supporters look good....If I WERE supporting Obama..which I toyed with for a bit....Just being associated with someone who would believe such a thing would be enough to make me want to vote for the other guy.

  20. Why are you so misogynist...

  21. Those die hard Republicans booed because they are idiots not giving any credit to Hillary for being a ground breaking woman.  

    Much like any democrat that would boo Palin just because she is a republican not giving her credit for being a ground breaking woman.

    Which are you??

    There are even people who care so much less about the truth than winning they would make things up about a pregnancy.  Even so much so as to doctor a picture to make it seem like a person is pregnant.

  22. did you even listen to the entire speech?

    She was COMMENDING the women before her that had stepped up to take OFFICE!!

    Geraldine was a democratic vp in 1984.

    SORRY but your Question has no point!

  23. Hillary LOST.

  24. A brilliant move on McCain's part. She's young, working class, not rich, down to earth, a family person, a great speaker, and someone who really understands the middle class and working class, and seems to cares about ordinary people. Her husband was/is a fisherman and not some spoiled Hollywood celebrity or self-centered rich lawyer.

    This is the problem with Obama. The speakers at the DNC that represent the democratic party, are either extremists, frauds, hypocrites, and bigots, such as "private-jet" Al Gore and "Hymie-town" Jesse Jackson, elitists and traitors, such as Pelosi, Jimmy Carter, the celebrity Hollywood types, or bumbling stumbling idiots such as Ted Kennedy. These speakers are a major turn-off for many voters.

    I have nothing against Obama, or even Hillary but when these "speakers" paraded out during the DNC, and then I see someone like Palin then I can't help but respect John McCain a bit more.

  25. Funny, I listened to that same speech and did not hear any "boos."  Also, do you get your info from the gossip pages?  Typical lieing liberal.  If you don't have anything truthful to say to support your side, make it up and throw it out there as the gospel.  lol  Pathetic.

  26. Macow wants to use this woman to gain women's vote.. he is desparate. it says Macaow will loss.  

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