
Should Palin spew more hate speech and help the Democrats raise more money?

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"Palin raises $8 million " for Obama

Obama's coffers have been filling since Sarah Palin attacked him repeatedly in St. Paul last night.

An Obama aide confirms Drudge's report that Obama has raised about $8 million from more than 130,000 donors and was on pace to raise $10 million by the time McCain took the stage tonight.

UPDATE: Obama spokesman Bill Burton says, "And we fully expect John McCain's attacks tonight to help us make our grass-roots organization even stronger "Sarah Palin's attacks have rallied our supporters in ways we never expected.."

Or should she go have a rabies shot?




  1. I think she should.

  2. Sen McCain wasn't as bad with the attacks as Gov Palin was. I wasn't at all inspired by his acceptance speech, especially when he called those particular vets who opposed him "ground chatter" or something or another.  Those people were citizens voicing their disagreement with him. Plus, I just find it difficult to believe anything he says.  Although he at least had the decency to appreciate how far the Obama/Biden campaign has come. Gov Palin showed no such professionalism.

    I guess I wouldn't mind him as president if he wins, but I would hope he really takes care of himself, because I don't trust the Gov at all.

  3. and McCain gained back 5 points in the polls.  So if the result is Obama gathers more money but McCain does better in the polls yea let her talk.  However your delusional if you call any of that hate speech.

  4. Actually the truth is Obama is running out of money. He outspent his donations by a huge amount and the Dem pundits are worried. The common thought is Obama has received all he will get in this election

  5. I thought it was great as soon as I heard about it.

    Just goes to show that Palin sounded so uneducated that even Republicans decided to donate to Obama.

  6. It has less to do with what you said and more to do with the fact that the Dems KNOW she is a GAME CHANGER!!!  So, they pour more money in to try and get the socialist elected and to keep flushing American values down the toilet.  Did I mention McCain's camp took in over 10 million in the 3 DAYS after introducing her?

  7. I think that this q is ignorant

  8. Oh - and the liberals say such positive and friendly things about Palin and McCain, right?  NOT!!!  I love it when the liberals sling the hash, but they don't like it slung back at 'em - awww...poor babies can't take it, huh?

    A poll was taken during the CBS news yesterday evening (9/4).  It asked how many people are more likely or less likely to vote for McCain/Palin after hearing Palin's speech.  The results were 19% less likely and over 70% MORE likely to vote for them - and CBS is a LIBERAL station!  The poll is still open as of this moment- and the results are, at this point, 75% MORE likely, 18% less likely and 7% unchanged.

    I've posted the link below if you care to cast a vote!  ;D

    Jessica:   McCain was NOT calling the vets in the stands 'chatter' (he called it 'static' - not chatter, btw).  He was referring to the commotion in the aisle with a crazy nutcase heckler (obviously a dem) - NOT the vets!  Please: before you make any accusations or assume anything, do your homework and/or listen more closely; pay attention!!

  9. Oh but the rhetoric that the liberals have been throwing at Palin is just so nice, right?  That's not hate speech?  Not from liberals?

  10. The only people I seen "spewing hate speech" this election year was...

    Rev. Wright... and Pfleger...

    Gee, thanks for reminding me of that....


  11. I feel sorry for her husband because she is a witch.

  12. yes but what really disturbs me is that they had exxxonmobil commercials on the dnc. what was that about? do they support him or bribe him or are they using subliminal advertising?

  13. Guess you haven't read the latest.  McCain raised OVER  $10,000,000.00 for his campaign from the Convention. Gee.................guess Obama supporters are starting to "lose" faith ?

  14. After her speech last night, there's a new Palin slogan:


    Heavy on attacks,

    Light on facts.

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