
Should People Rendering Answers From Encyclopedia Sources Be Weary About the Accuracy Of Their Answers?

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Should people rendering answers from encyclopedia sources be weary about the accuracy of their answers?

James H. Fetzer

Founder and Co-Chair

Scholars for 9/11 Truth

"I have just spent several frustrating hours trying to revise and improve the entry on "Scholars for 9/11 Truth", only to discover that my rewrites were being over-ridden by someone at Wikipedia. I find that offensive. The present entry has a warning label stating, "The neutrality of this article is disputed." From what I can discern from reviewing the "Talk Page", persons with scant or biased knowledge of the society appear to be determining the contents."

"Wikipedia: What it Doesn't Say"





  1. Online encyclopeadias do tire me, it's true. So yes, let us all be weary together.


    OK, had my joke.

    Seriously, online and collaborative encyclopedias like Wiki are a reasonable reference in many cases, but like any printed material (including scholarly tomes), it's always best to look at several sources and also consider what you read.

    Taking anything online ~ or anywhere ~ as 'true' just because it's in print/on the screen/whatever, is lazy scholarship and likely to lead to error.

    So yes, absolutely, we should be wary of anyone or anything offering us 'truth' in an instant.

    Cheers :-)

  2. Wikipedia is not exactly an encyclopedia source. In fact, it's not a credible source at all. It's okay for basic information for a person's own knowledge, but it is no way to be considered a "source."

  3. Sir,

          Thesubject you are wary of is Orwellian in the extreme.....

    The commonly used dictionaries and encyclopedias are manipulated by the same people who gave us 911.  Two relevent websites:  teenscreen and   ...  Two words that are excellent examples of tampering...dianetics and Scientology....Teen screen...was pretty much fathered by Bush in Texas.....but in any modern dictionary you will not find those words and in some cases they were would have to call it psychopolitics I guess....Orwell called it Newspeak.

  4. I rarely, if ever, use online encyclopedia's, because I have no proof that they are as good as those that I can go to the local library and look in to get the information I need

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