
Should People Who Earn Their Living From Adoption State This When Answering Questions?

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There seems to be a conflict of interest when people answer questions without stating they are vested in the industry. Isn't it proper for such people to always preface their answers with the fact that they or likely someone they know will make money on adoption?

I am not calling anyone out on this. In fact, there is one person on this forum who always lets everyone know she is involved in the industry. There are others, however, who seem to be invovled but do not tell us. I would trust them more if they did.




  1. OK since we are being honest. I am involved. I am a voulnteer in a welfare agency, providing advice and support for adoptees and APs. I am not directly emplyed by anyone, and my hours are to suit me. I went to london, to express my concern about the lack of education about adoption in schools. I also made a video tl talk about my adoption. I have done quite alot. I think its good for me, as i am adopted and I think that 'life skills' as in experience in adoption, is better than a qualification. Dont you agree?

  2. No, because it is such a wide field of endeavor.  The odds of "I advise adoption" benefiting one specific answerer is vanishingly small.

    If someone has a particular stock and is on here giving answers which might tend to affect its price, then the person should disclose.

  3. I believe they should be up-front about what their interest in adoption is, yes

  4. No one is required to do so, but it does help to understand better where the person may be "coming from" so to speak.  People here normally state there connection to adoption, which helps readers know how they are affected.  Even those who have no real connection to adoption, but are just giving an opinion, often state this.  

    Because a number of questions come from women who are considering adoption, I'd be more comfortable knowing is someone who is strongly suggesting adoption actually makes a living from the adoption industry.  If I worked for Ford Motor Company and someone asked what kind of car they should buy, I'd be likely to say a Ford.  Readers could benefit from knowing that may answer is at least partially based on my connection to the Ford Motor Company.  That doesn't mean my answer would be discounted, it just means that it would be a part of what the person would use in evaluating the answer and comparing/contrasting it to other answers.

    Again, it's not required, but I think it would be helpful.

  5. I think they should be banned from the entire forum permanently, but thats just me. people with invested, financial interests in adoption are here to support the industry no matter what, thats their JOB. Some agencies and organizations hire people to float around forums like this and promote adoption...they're probably here right now.... I need some type of radar for these kinds of people...

    yes, they should have to post it...ethically speaking anyways, but why would they... then their "cover" would be blown. Then adoptoin wouldn't come off as so...BEAUTIFUL.

  6. Normally the idea of conflict of interest relates to whether you or your immediate family stands to _directly_ benefit in a situation.

    If someone asks a general question about adoption, though, that's not a specific situation where a family member would make money. I doubt anyone's saying, "Should I let XYZ agency put my child out for adoption?" and people from XYZ agency are sneaking in and saying, "Yes, I hear they're very good! Only use them!" In that case it would be an ethical problem.

    But beyond that, I really see no reason to require answerers to list their financial and life history. Everyone has lots of factors that tie into their views on adoption... and answers to questions here are EXTREMELY unlikely to affect one's personal financial situation, don't you think?

  7. For those who have been burned by adoption, their answers are usually so hideously biased against the rights of natural families they don't have to disclose their source of income.  We can smell their stench at the first key-stroke.

    For the less experienced in adoption, yes, disclosure is a good idea.

  8. I do not think anyone is benefitting  in anyway by their answers.  I cannot see any conflict of interest here.  

    This is YAHOO, there are no credentials required to answer.  I'm much more concerned about people who chime in with their answers with absolutely no experience at all with anything remotely having to do with adoption.  Sometimes their answers are extremely uniformed and hurtful.  But, this is just the medium we are dealing with.  

    That said, I find it really interesting when people do say what their experiences are.  I think the opinions of those who work in the industry are extremely valid and helpful on a site like this, regardless of whether or not I agree with them.  

    Unfortunately, some who do state their involvement in the profession are dismissed as being "biased."  rather than applauded for being "informative" and offering a unique insight.   So, I don't blame them for holding back.

  9. I would hope that regardless of who the person is answering the question, their opinion is viewed by the Asker as no more valid than any other response they get.  It seems to me everyone on this site is vested in the adoption process in some way or they wouldn't be on here.  I think the folks that identify themselves as social workers or adoption workers, etc. are simply relaying where there information stems from.  However, even their information is not any more valuable than a lay persons if the Asker is from another state or country.

    I get your point that knowing the origin of the answer might effect the Asker's opinion of the response.  But I would advise anyone on any web site or chat room to not take anything they read as written in stone.  It is just another person's opinion.

    I personally am fascinated with this site because I've adopted children and had birth children, then adopted my disabled nephew.  This site is very educational to me and provides me with one more communication tool to use with my children.  But I certainly wouldn't take anything I read on here to the bank.  Providing other websites for sources is nice, but again, they are no more factual than anything else you might read or hear.  So you have to weed through, keep the good, and toss out the bad.

    Good question.

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