
Should President Bush be Impeached?

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I found this website of a representative who is asking for signatures for President Bush's impeachment. What do you think?




  1. chill..he only gets like 5 more months.

    then (hopefully) the US of A can go through a MAJOR renovation.

  2. How?

    With what?

    With cheap-skate ghostly stories?

    With mirror on the wall?

    Look in the real world.

    On who created the loss of peace on earth goodwill to men in time?

    Luke 21.8-10

    Luke 22.3-6

    Luke 3.7-9

    Luke 4.4-7

    Matt 27.29,37

    John 1.20

    Matt 22. 3-5

    Luke 23.37-41

    What do you think?

  3. Yes

  4. its too late besides we won't be insensitive republicans and put Bush through what the pathetic and tawdry republicans put Clinton through.  we are better than than that...honorable. but we all know bush WILL go down in history as THE worst president ever elected.  He's a pirateering, buccaneering, and racketeering president.  He is a liar and manipulator.

  5. quicker and easier to shoot him and get it over with...i'd do it, but i gotta work...and he's almost gone, he can't f^ck stuff up too much more in what little time he has left...

  6. yes.  because he does not follow the outlines of the constitution.

  7. He would have to had committed a crime first.  This is just something uneducated lib-tards like to do because they harbor a tremdous amount of hatred against those that dare oppose their agendas or views.

  8. For what reason? Because he refuses to withdraw from Iraq?

    You honestly believe that Bush just wakes up one day and says lets jack gas prices sky high and lets see who will pay for them? Just so happened it's a non renewable resource and if you'd look you'd known it was going to happen. So you think that Bush just takes everyones gas money and sticks it in his pocket? No gas prices was going to rise no matter who was in office and they are going to continue to.

  9. even though he has done so much damage to our country, his last term is almost over so there is no use in impeaching cuz hes ot gonna be president for long anyhow.

  10. even if one wanted him to, he only has till november

    also, it has to pass the senate and house of reps.

    however, he has done no crime or anything against the constitution

  11. AFAIC, his family rigged FL vote in 2000 so definitely yes!

  12. I'm a Republican, but personally, I believe the time has come to end our 8-year long suffering under President Bush.

  13. No.  What crime?

  14. I think he should be impeached, and thrown in jail. Clinton was attacked by republicans for getting some, then he lied on the stand about it.

    Boom... impeached

    Impeached for his personal sexual life

    Bush is a criminal and a profiteer and the weak a** democrats say oh well he only has a few more months.

    Sad sad sad......

  15. It says it all:

  16. I sign it.

  17. I wish if Democrats had the proof, they'd go ahead and do it instead of just whining about it.  Whining does nothing for the country.

  18. With 5 months left to serve, this would be a ridiculous waste of money and time.

  19. What do I think? Give it a rest

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