
Should Prince Fielder be suspended for hitting a teammate??

by Guest59758  |  earlier

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Lets not forget that Steve Smith of the Carolina Panthers was just put in time out for 2 games.........................




  1. I don't think he should be suspended.  It was just a stupid thing for Fielder to do at the time.  If he really wanted to slug Parra, he should've done it in a place where the cameras couldn't see.  If Parra would've gotten hurt from it, yeah, I think Fielder should serve some sort of punishment.  But everyone seems to be fine, so I just think Ned should sit them down (not at the same time, of course :) ) and just deal with it that way instead of dragging MLB into it.

  2. No he shouldn't.  Manny didn't get suspended for shoving the traveling secretary earlier this year and that was worse than what Fielder did.

  3. yes

  4. The Brewers were having a meltdown. This is why the 2nd half of the season is always best. It's the most intense. Prince may not have punched him but he still got him in the face. I don't think either one of them should be suspended. What exactly was the deal anyway? I watched the video and what I got out of it was that Prince Fielder and the rest of the team weren't backing up Parra like they should have been and Parra was pissed. Somebody please correct me if I've got the wrong idea. Thank you.  

  5. For pushing?  I don't think so. You have to do something worse like hit him with a bat or punch him in the face. But for shoving I don't think he should get a suspension. They were just frustrated.

  6. yes and ned yost should b fired

  7. Prince Fielder has a great many issues not least of which is hating and not speaking to his own father.  He is a bully and a slug.  He has always been short with the media and thinks he's bigger than the game.  He's big alright, but not when it comes to the game and his teammates.  I don't care what the disagreement was, he had no right to take a shot a anyone.  It's a team issue and should be handled by the Brewers.  Frankly I would be surprised if anything comes of it.  

  8. I think that Prince Fielder should be suspended but he's probably not going to be because he's a good player, and teammates fight like that sometimes.  

    The way that the commentator on S.C. was talking, he was describing it as wasn't a big deal or nothing major.  But yes, Prince Fielder did punch the other guy in the face.

    "Family disputes" happen like this all the time.  

  9. I think it should be taken care of internally. Yes, he should be, but not by the MLB. He should be suspended by Ned Yost and the Brewers' organization.

  10. Parra should be suspended for not supporting his teammates.  Heading to the locker room early and not joining the rest of his team in congratulating Mike Cameron on his home run.  He pitched a bad game but he should have stayed around to see the results.  I don't know what he said to Prince or what Prince said to him, but you should support the efforts of your teammates.  

  11. No it happens all the time and he only pushed the guy!

  12. No.  All he did was push the guy a little.  Smith decked a guy and broke his nose.  Big difference.

  13. Bud Selig can't suspend or punish Prince Fielder for hitting a teammate. Ned Yost has to take things into his own hands and bench Fielder for a couple games.

  14. Absolutely or else get charged with assault and arrested!!!  

  15. Well.....he didnt hit him he pushed him which isnt as bad......he didnt break any bones in his body.....and the manager said it is no big id say no....maybe a fine  

  16. I don't think he will be, it was a situation where Fielder was trying to get Parra to stay in the dugout with the team. It's not like he got in a full blown fist fight, it was only pushing.  

  17. No it happens all the time, just usually in the clubhouse not in the dugout where the cameras see it. Princess Fielder just pushed the guy a couple times not a big deal you can't compare that to Steve Smith. Now if he went Michael Barrett on him it may be a different story.

  18. mhm

  19. h**l yes! in fact, this punk needs to be jailed for battery because the other dude never lifted a hand against that punk, fielder! i would press charges if i were the pitcher!  

  20. Its not the same as the Panthers' situation, and this isn't the NFL.

    Thats for Ned Yost to deal with internally, and not through the media. Whats in the clubhouse should stay there, you don't hang your dirty laundry for everyone to see. He should have had more sense to shove him in the clubhouse.

  21. Steve Smith punched the guy.

    Prince Fielder Pushed a guy. It wasn't that bad.

  22. If Parra and Fielder can squash this between them then there most likely won't be any suspensions to either of them. If not they could both get fined by the team.

    As for Steve Smith he is becoming a pompass out of control jerk. There is absolutley no reason for breaking the nose of a teammate regardless of the situation. What ever happened to leading by example?

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