
Should Prince Harry Be Banned From Night Clubs?

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After his latest drunken night out should the wayward prince be banned from nightclubbing in order to restore the prestige and dignity of our royal family:,,2-2007411012,00.html




  1. no

  2. If you apply the ban equally, you've talking about maybe 85 percent of the people who visit clubs.

    No matter what he does, he won't be able to help the Royal Family because no matter how good, bad or indifferent he is or behaves, the preconceived notion will be against him.   Everyone who has only the slightest anger or resentment against the Royal Family will not read or care about the facts but just chuck it on as another log on the fire.  

    He could go out and walk on water but the press wouldn't print it  because that doesn't sell papers.  Going out in pubs, misbehaving and the such is what dirt people want to read and are willing to buy.    

    Other people had their minds made up before he was of age and now, say, yep, I told you so, and, this is their justification at condemning the whole lot of them.

  3. O my god!! why whatever he does he cant win, first there not in touch with the people, now he is too normal smile and move on I'm sure he will calm down

  4. That makes no more sense than banning you from Q&A for the absurd notion that  banning him would "restore the prestige and dignity of our royal family".     As one lady referred to another in Q&A, and wasn't banned,  "You, madam are an idiot".

  5. No, let him continue to highlight what a stupid idea the monarchy is.

  6. Oh god so he likes clubbing at least hes kinda normal

    hes ginger

  7. He is actually acting like a young man from a council estate when drunk the breeding disapears as ong as hes brother dosent act like him we might get away with it

  8. its cool that someone in the royal family is actually normal and does things that all members of society do.

  9. Should you????

  10. I dont think he should be banned. Would be all over the papers. Should be more aware of this position. But on the other hand he is young and wants to live a bit..

  11. He would behave normal if he wouldn't be followed by photographers. Imagine yourself feeling a breath of paparazzi behind your neck every time you want to have some fun...

  12. This is BBC news:

    Prince harry, grandson of Queen Elizabeth ll has been banned from entering night clubs because a yahoo user named "pagreen 1966" posted a question on yahoo Q&A suggesting that the young prince should be banned.

    The queen is currently in talks with the prime minister Gordon Brown to decide whether they should listen to pagreen 1966 although he holds no authority whatsoever to decide where the prince should go without even taking into consideration that his royal highness is a grown adult and can go where he pleases.

    However, the prime minister has issued a statement saying " mind your own business, it isn't your decision where the prince may go and you have no authority to decide whether prince Harry should be banned from a night club.

    And the royal family holds no prestige or dignity whatsoever due to the amount of adulterers and horses which linger in the royal household. Well that's all for the news, we'll be back at 10:30pm for the evening news, good evening.

  13. What for been a human being, how would you like it if you were hounded every where you went. just because hes a royal does not mean he should be shut away from normal life.

  14. And for him to be saying "i'm going to f'king punch you in the face" when we pay him and his family millions every year?

  15. I think the press should be banned from following him around at 2.30 in the morning.

    Plus if you read the article he wasn't coming out a night club he was coming out of his girlfriend's flat - what were Sun snappers doing there at that time of night I wonder?  Looking for what they got I expect.

  16. no hes allowed to party hes still human

  17. No. Why should he be penalised for acting like an average guy once in a while.

  18. No, after all he is a queen's officer that they won't let do his work. I'd get drunk to if i was a drone.

  19. Well his mother worked hard to make him a common man

  20. Not nececessarily

  21. For his own sake I think he should restrict the number of visits he makes

  22. No he`s young and having fun !

    Let him enjoy his self

  23. You tend to forget that although he is royalty, he is still a human being and he entitled to do whatever guys of his age do. If he wants to get drunk and make a fool of himself, let him do so. Other people do it every day and I don't hear you complaining.

    Its the media that should be banned from invading his privacy not him.

  24. whose his real da?

  25. Perhaps he should go clubbing with Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton?  We Americans will trade you two for one.

  26. No. People get drunk in clubs all the time. Why single him out in particular?

  27. No these photographers killed his mother and he hates them they should leave him alone.

  28. I think Prince Harry should be more carfull. Because he is third in line to the throne. But honeslty, he's a normal human being. I think that the news needs to remember that.

  29. No. He's an adult and legally entitled to consume alcohol and go into nightclubs just like everyone else who's over 18 in this country. The only difference between him and thousands of other young guys his age is that his exploits hit the front pages of The Sun.

    While losing his temper with the tabloid press isn't the right thing to do, it has to be horribly frustrating to have these guys follow him everywhere and to shove cameras in his face. Maybe they should be banned from following him.

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