
Should Red Sox players be forced to play for the NL during the All Star Game?

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theyre making the AL team worse, and they should get booed in every game they play in. MLB is doing the Yankees obviously with the greatest franchise and fans ever, a great injustice by having Red Sox players play along with them. Cant Red Sox players be moved to the NL?




  1. that is perhaps the dumbest thing i have ever heard. You deserve to have your head hit off with a bat.

  2. This has officially taken over from the "has a ball ever been hit so high it burned up" and "are any of the Brewers not married" as the official stupidest question ever asked in here.


  3. This is why everybody hates Yankee fans. I'm not even a fan of an AL team and I hate the Yankees and their fans more than any other team in the league.

    The Red Sox are better than the Yankees by the way.

  4. I almost get the feeling you could be a Red Sox fan that is trying to make Yankee fans sound worse.

  5. I think the players from the other AL teams should wear gas masks, so the stink coming from the Sox won't overwhelm them.

    No matter how much they win, the Red Sox will always stink.

    However, you'll never catch me saying "Boston Sucks." It's a great city.  It's only the sports teams I don't like.

  6. Wow I think this may be the stupidest question I've ever answered so far...

    Remember the All Star game a month ago, when a certain JD Drew hit the 2-run home run that proved to be a pretty big difference? Without those 2 runs, I'm pretty sure the AL would have lost the All Star game.

    What team is JD Drew on? Son of a gun, he's on the Red Sox. And do you really want the AL to lose? Sox players on the NL will bite the AL in the a** big time.

    Good thing the All Star break was right at the end of JD's hot streak.

  7. Who was the All Star Game MVP? Rest my case poor sport...

  8. Sure it's not YOUUUUUK you are hearing? Only reason that happened was because it was at Yankee Stadium. It's a shame the yankees can't make the playoffs in its last season before it's demolished. Not really, I'm loving every part of it!

  9. The Red Sox are way better than the Yankmees. Look at the standings buddy. No they can't play for the NL.  

  10. You're a complete idiot. This is automatically the stupidest question on the face of the earth, actually scratch that the UNIVERSE! Yankees aren't the greatest franchise in MLB because there are none you $hittard! So now cry to your mommy and daddy about how the Yankees suck and can never win.  

  11. I don't think over-rated Yankees or Red Sox should play in the All Star game at all.

    I think All Stars should be selected by their First Half Stats on July 1'st.

  12. As a Red Sox fan for 40 plus years, I can't tell you how much I LOVE hearing this kind of drivel. You poor, sad Yankees fan!!  You are overcome with hatred and jealousy about how well the Red Sox are doing!  Looking back on so many years where New Yorkers refused to even admit that they felt any rivalry with the lowly Bosox, I am overjoyed to see your posting.

    Welcome to the real world, where your team doesn't automatically win every game. Suck it up, get over it, and wait for next year, like everyone else has had to do!

  13. This question is not to be taken as an official statement of the New York Yankees, their fans or the management of the Yankees Entertainment and Sports Network.

  14. Yankees are #3. Go ahead, check.

    You may want to update your handle, though obviously veracity doesn't get high regard in these parts.

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