
Should Republicans be kicked out of the country?

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Should people who were found without a doubt to have voted for Bush in 2004 and considering voting for McCain be tied up and set out on some raft in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean?




  1. If we were to tie them up and send them out on a raft or kill them, we'd be no better than them.  

  2. What other country would have them?

  3. Personal attacks on people's differing opinions are very low brow. No of course they should not; you know that.

    Do you honestly believe that Republicans and Democrats in anyway differ from each other? No they are in this for the same reason; it will not matter who wins this vote. Life is going to be the same now as it ever was. Full spectrum dominance, joint vision in 2020. The president, no matter who they are is just a puppet. I have no faith in the people running America, I wont; until I do see some change. Yeah right.

  4. it would be fun to see Obama supporters try it.

  5. naw, that would be cruel. just put them on a spaceship and send them to the moon. that way they can start their own republican planet

  6. Depends. How much like China do we want to become?

  7. ......Why not just fire all the Republicans from their positions?

    No need to kill or hurt anyone..or have anyone leave the country...they deserve the right to be in this country like anyone else.

    Oh just gave me an idea....We could put them in ACUs(Army uniform)..give them an M16 gun along with 35lb armor plates on their bodies...DEPLOY them all to Iraq..and wish them luck for the next 15 months.

    How about that?...Sounds good? We'll see how they feel in the face of danger for the next 15 months & see how patriotic they are now...

  8. You do realize, Republicans own guns and quite a few might I add..

    I would love to see you try you hateful troll.

  9. Only if we can tie you up and put in in the Pacific, since it is on the LEFT coast.

  10. The person asking the question:

    is from New England

    is probably female

    is unable to win an argument that required more than saying slogans loudly

    is frustrated by their own intellectual incapacity

    has a "team mentality" where politics is more like picking a favorite football team and sticking with it no matter what than rationally thinking out issues such as the war in iraq, abortion

    believes in 9/11 conspiracies

  11. Without the tax base, there'll be no one to pay for all of the social programs.

  12. Do you want to start with me I voted for him twice and would do it again Bring it on son

    I plan on voting for McCain  Your not that kid I kick off the sidewalk with his skate board are you?

  13. Never happen and you are obviously are a hateful person who dishonors our country.

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