
Should Republicans just let the dems handle the hurricane?

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We all know what kind of cluster that was last time with Naigan and Blanco....




  1. No, this time the Chocolate city will be evacuated by Naggin. This time the looters are on their own!

  2. Unfortunately now they have a Republican Governor who will do all the work but Dems will still take all the credit

    Jindal has the National Guard already in force.

    He's done everything he can right now.

    What's Nagin's response" Lets see if the Corp of Engineers are as good as they say they are"

    Just watch how fast Nagin runs to the microphones either way  

  3. When they s***w up, they can just point fingers like they did last time.  

  4. You are still going to have the same problems.  The people have been told to leave, but you still have those staying.  Don't blame stupidity on the government.   ***

  5. They had their opportunity when Katrina hit, see what happened?  A whole lot of looting, deaths, destruction, school buses underwater, Mayor Ray Nagan and the Governor Blanco blaming the federal government, when there is this thing called......States Rights.

    Oh, that is right, the constitution only means something when they want to squash a conservative, suppress free speach or kill an unborn child or for that fact a living botched abortion (see BH Obama IL Senate).

    The problem we are going to have in New Orleans is if the corrupt police department will keep the looters down or let them run rampant.  Wonder if school bus Nagan will stick around or has he left town already?

  6. Why? Its the one chance left for the Bush administration to get it right.

  7. Since Barak Hussein Obama is the all powerful Messiah, he should just command it to go away.

  8. I'm just a middle class white guy. I can't AFFORD to have the Democrats handle anything.

  9. were waiting for obama to wave his mighty hand

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