
Should Rey Mysterio & Carlito depart from WWE,?

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Just Because Carlito has yet to be on WWE TV ever since the draft & what about Rey he does'nt like the idea of him showing up on Raw & he is against the whole him being Drafted

No one care's about Carlito but Rey Mysterio is a Punk so what if you got drafted to a show Jonh cena did'nt want to get drafted when he came to Raw & Maria did'nt want to either but you dont read stuff about her on Blogs complain about what WWE did to her because she Know She'll Get Release...LOL

But what are your thougth on them Possibley goin to TNA




  1. No carlito is helping his dad carlos colon retire (go on to wikepedia) and wrestling lucha libre god i mean he was hulk hogan of peurta rican lucha libre.

    rey was badly injured so they re indroducing him perhaps without his mask

  2. I agree with Dominator,because from a video i saw it looks like Carlito is under going a gimmick change(he has cornrows agian,and trust me when i say HE LOOKS WEIRD AS h**l!) And as for Rey Mysterio being a punk,hundreds of WWE Superstars & Divas have complained about where they were drafted to in public(EX:blogs) before & there careers were never in jeprody. Heel =some have even asked & recieved there releases becuase they didn't like the decisions made.And Mysterio isn't pissed off about the draft he knew he was going to be drafted the following weekend leading to it,he's pissed off becuase of his WWE contract he doesn't like how he's getting paid compare to the other big names in the company that's the ACTUAL problem.But to answer your question yes despite Carlito's supposid push & Mysterio arguing over his contract yes i do think they should go to TNA so they can be used better.But then again Mysterio is injury prone let's not forget.

  3. Carlito is probably going to leave the WWE for Tna but Rey Mysterio won't because as we all know he is one of WWE's greatest assets. He sells tons of merchandise and he attracts viewers.

  4. No Way!

    I love Rey Mysterio, and him going to TNA would wither make me watch TNA or make me stop watching Rey Mysterio, and I dont like TNA.

    Anyway, Rey Mysterio is coming back to fued with Kane, so that should be good, and he will be used more. And Carlito? WWE can still give him good use if they want to. He's coming back with a new gimmick. Like, the guy above me said, he has cornrows now. I saw the pic too. So hes gonna be used too.

  5. i think rey shud do well in tna..he gave kurt angle an upset defeat at wm22..and lost the title to booker t..i believe he has more history with those two..rey shud do well in tna coz he will  be booked as tna champion..while in wwe he is just a former tiny champ who jobs to basically everyone on the tna he will surely be the most famous guy around..since he is wwe material..

    carlito is a good guy for the tna x division..tna need someone like him with excellent mic skills..but i doubt carlito wud wanna leave wwe even if he is saying that..cause he knows he has no future outside wwe..but tna make losers like tomko look like the carlito can be a bret hart in tna

  6. carlito is upset with wwe again because wwe hasn't pushed him yet and i reckon hes going to tna soon if wwe doesn't push him oh and he hasn't even debut on smackdown yet.

    i don't think rey is going to tna because hes gonna feud with kane and i rekon its gonna be a good feud

  7. Without a doubt. Yes they should.  

  8. you have no sense

  9. both are extremely talented individuals who should improve more and receive a larger push

  10. No

    Rey is going to fued with Kane, & They just waiting for the right time to put Carlito out there again, Carlito is still young they have to improve his Mic Skill & his Wrestling skills.

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