
Should Rowan Williams be removed...............

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Should the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams be removed from office for his comments likening homosexual union to that of marriage between a man and a woman. I feel he is doing vast damage to the church and this whole issue should be confronted not sidelined and then accepted by innuendo. What do you think?




  1. YEAH! Bringing down the CofE from the inside!

  2. :-) The church is a building and cannot be damaged by the Archbishop's views.

    If, so called, christian people followed his lead it would do much to promote acceptance and Christian values.

    Homosexuality (and lesbianism) has, mostly, a basis in genetics and is not simply a lifestyle choice for the majority of those so disposed.

    Religious bigotry, however, is definitely a lifestyle choice.

  3. no, he should be applauded

    wrong section, try religion section

  4. No.   He is making people think, which is good.

    You do not have to agree with all a man says to value his other contributions.

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