
Should Russia attack the ABM interceptor and radar sites in Poland and the Czech Republic?

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President Medvedev has stated that Russia will use military force if it has to to prevent American from operating anti-ballistic missile sites

in Poland and the Czech Republic. The Americans claim that they need to do this to protect Europe from Iran, but they could easily be used to give NATO an advantage in any future nuclear exchange with Russia and the SCO.

So, should Russia attack the sites before they become operational or should they retaliate by putting nuclear missiles in Cuba as the Soviets did in the 1960s?




  1. Of course NOT! NYET! What kind of pastor are you? You religious freaks are spreading war propaganda in order to win a few confused souls for your piranha church. I dislike any kind of religion, it's just a mental disorder. Stay away from pastors like this. The answer again, is OF COURSE NOT! PEACE to the World.

  2. I think they should do both.

    Destroy the clear military threat to their nation AND enforce a threat on those that would threaten and attack them.

  3. Once again Pastor you have asked a very thought-provoking question.

    I think they should use all diplomatic and trade links to get the US to re-consider this act of folly.  The US is clearly either oblivious to Russia's fears, doesn't care about them or the missile shield is aimed at Russia - none of which bode well for NATO / Russia relations.

    Russia, however, should respect Poland's sovereignty, and her right to choose her allies and trading partners - just as the US should respect Cuba's.

    What the solution is - I'm not too sure - perhaps the next US President will be more accommodating in alleviating Russia's concerns, or perhaps the Russians can be bought with offers of machinery, industrial plant and joint-stock companies.  Perhaps the Russians should retaliate in kind with missiles in Cuba.

    The worst case scenario is the one that you have outlined - Russia attacking the installation, just how NATO, the US and the EU would react is a real worry.

    Edit :  Good point - I think you are right - there will be no war over Poland this time.

  4. the missile shield poses NO threat to Russian nuclear detterent capacity, unless Russians' detterent capacity deteriorated a bit...

    Thus, the russians just use strong words to show they are not pleased with losing influence in former warsaw pact countires.

    Besides, the Russians are able to knock down those installations by conventional strike, anytime, using the element of surprise.

    Attacking the sites prior the installation is complete would produce nothing, apart from further broadening the gap between the West and Russia.

    If they keep the element of surprise, they would be able to launch a medium sized air strike, knock down the instalations, win by cost comparison /8 sukhois vs one XBR radar, and then return to the negotiation table.


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