
Should Russia go back to communism for some law and order?

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Should Russia go back to communism for some law and order?




  1. So they can fail again? Sure why not.

  2. The collapes of the soviet union was in many ways the collapes of russian society. It completely caved in. It has lost much of its population, industry and there has been a dramatic drop in life expectancy.  Russia will never return to communism under the rule of Putin and his ruling caste because they have nothing to gain from this. Many of them who are former officers and ruling elites from the Soviet Union and some of the few people who have gained from the collapse. Capitalism has been good for them. The Soviet Union did raise living standards and create an economic powerhouse but dictators only did this under the pressure of a highly politicised and expectant population. If Russia underwent a second revolution and a socialist democracy was established this might help these people. In reality it is social ineqaulity and stratification that has led to such pitifull conditions for the Russion people for centuries now. Russia needs democracy and social movements.

  3. no way man

    they are doing good now

  4. They never had law and order under communism.  The police there have always been a joke.

  5. That's not my business.

  6. I have read accounts of Russians saying things were "better under communist rule" but really that's not because it was communist, it was because there was a more stable infrastructure set up. Communism was horrible for Russia. Look at the Gulags, and the mass just goes on and on.

    They haven't completely lost "law and order" now, I think, but they definitely need a change. Their economy is falling apart, many social problems are plaguing the nation. In a way you could even say they still ARE under communist rule since Putin (still mainly in power), is a former KGB agent who obviously pines for the old days.

    So no, I wouldn't say a return to communism is the answer. Russians  need a new choice for government.

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