
Should Russia vapourise the US bully.

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The US has been going around the world thinking it can tell every other country what to while it itself goes around bombing nations it see's fit. Is it now time to meet the US head on and have an all out Nuclear standoff. We all know the US wont pick a fight with Russia as they would both lose due to MAD. But has the US bully gone too far now with its intentions to encircle Russia and take over its sphere of influence. The world would be quite nice under a nuclear winter, No US power capable of doing anything. I wonder who has the guts to press the button first, The Russians are not affraid of the US and neither is China. Bring it on




  1. Idiot.

  2. This is not an answer and will be reported as abuse, but I must say you are a very, very poorly informed individual.  I'm betting you are not over 20 years old, either.

  3. This is just a rant.  

  4. The tone of this isn't helpful, but basically the US should start to look at it's domestic problems and leave the world alone. In particular affairs in the Caucasus are Russian matters and best left to them. War between Russia and the US would be catastrophic for the US

  5. Is it just me or do you not like the US. I hear France is recruiting.

  6. vaporize us?

    Sounds like Russia finally completed the death ray on the moon.

    I wonder if they will want $1 million, wah ha ha ha  

  7. are you trying to start world war 3?

  8. The only thing Russia and China will "bring on" is revival of communism and cold war. Which BTW cost Western block a lot of money back in the days. Neither country (Russia, China) gives a d**n about level of life of their citizens as long as their Military is well financed.

    BTW, in case you forgot USSR already did that, they brought communist regime onto half of the Europe and Asia. Last time I checked none of those countries were grateful to Russia for what they brought on.  

  9. Looks like there is a nice trade agreement between Russia and US.

    US has sold Saakashvili for a russian neutrality during invasion of Iran.

    There is an awesome allied carrier fleet moving to the Gulf now, see the link.


  10. If the USA goes down, all other countries will follow thru mass depressions, crashing of markets, sickness, chaos, lawlessness and corruption throughout the world.

    You'll be wishing that never happened.

  11. No one wins a nuclear war, it could destroy our planet and end life as we know it. So no, no matter how much of a "bully" you think the US is being it is never a good thing to "vaporise" any country. And Russia doesn't have much room to talk, in case you haven't been paying attention Russia just started a war with Georgia.

  12. Is it lonely up there on your pedestal?  It is nice to see someone how feels they are the smartest man on the planet, yet their only way to get their ideals known is to post their bull on yahoo answers.  Way to is me clapping for you...CLAP, CLAP.......CLAP!

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