
Should Sarah Palin be dropped from the McCain ticket or...?

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with the same analogy should Obama be dropped (replaced by Clinton) because he has less (if any) "executive" experience than Palin does.

Yes Sarah's daughter is pregnant, but with the same analogy Obama admitted to doing drugs when he was young. And he was raised by a single mom.

Is Sarah such a threat to Obama that the mainstream media is going berserk digging up any shroud of dirt they can find on her and her immediate and distant family?




  1. i think palin is fine where she is...we will see how she does tonight..big test for her

    obama is the most inexperienced candidate ever so yes he should never have won the nomination

  2. She is a genuine threat and it gets their collective nose out of joint that a conservative woman is in her position.  Make no mistake about it.  They are sexists.  As long as a minority stays on the old liberal plantation, all is well.  If any minority (women, black, hispanic, g*y, etc), strays to far from the overseer than all h**l breaks loose.

  3. so bush got caught driving drunk, clinton smoked pot, lied in court and to the poeple, cheated on his wife,.

    how can sarah be a threat to obama when she not running for Pres.

    they doing the samething to her as what they did to obama, mccain, and clinton

  4. no let her bring down the dark force

  5. No she should not be dropped from the ticket! I think she is great! I think the Democrats are scared to death of her because she has more experience than Obama. I also think that her daughter being pregnant proves that her and her family are as real as you and me and that also scares the Dems because she can relate to the main stream.......

  6. I like your way of thinking.  You've given me a point to ponder, and I wish I could give you two points!

    My first instinct is to say no she should not be dropped.

  7. I don't think he should or will drop Palin from the ticket.

  8. LMFAO a threat?!?  Hahaha she sealed the deal for Obama, he broke 50% thanks to her being on the ticket.  I'm glad McCain's senility got the best of him on this one.  Hey is there a GOP convention going on right now?  Oh yah, nobody cares!  The GOP of hypocrisy is not gonna be able to steal this one.

    To the person below me, she can relate to the "main stream" because she has a pregnant, unmarried, 17-year-old daughter?  I don't know where you live, but that is not "main stream."

  9. No - why would Palin be dropped as VP when she is a HUGE threat to the demorats and Hillary Clinton's run for president in 2012?

  10. Obama cant be dropped from the ticket because he is the nominee so this question is too dumb to consider right off the bat.

  11. When your opponent does somethig incredibly stupid, your best strategy is to stand back and let them self-destruct.

    The fact that the Left-stream media is going berserk trying to get something to stick to palin tells me that it was a masterstoke, and that they are scared spitless at her.

    Think about it, Sarah Palin is the first woman on a national campaign who is NOT ANGRY!

  12. No she should stay ---As a Obama Supporter---I think she makes a great running mate with McSame!!!!!

  13. Thank god they never tried to dig up any shred of dirt they could find on Obama and his immediate and distant family!

    By the way, I think most Democrats are saying...Oh please keep her on the ticket..Please!!

  14. You seem to conveniently forget that Obama was voted in by members of his party. You also seem to forget that Obama graduated 2nd  in his class at Harvard without that special consideration they give to minority people.

    Sarah by no means is a threat to Obama she is a blessing that fell into his lap. I pray to God that she is not dropped but even if she does she has pretty much knocked the wind out of the GOP's sail either way.

  15. Honey, she's not a threat. If she was Obama wouldn't be leading in the polls 50% to McSame 42%

  16. I would much rather have Kay Bailey Hutchinson or Mike Huckabee on the ticket, but it is what it is.

  17. No I pray to God she's NOT dropped.

    Even though the talk is ALL about Palin, it's more of a reflection on John McCain. The media, hence most of the country, knows NOTHING about Palin, and I think most people now are concerned with how it is she came to get on the ticket.

  18. Kay Bailey Hutchinson instead of Sarah Palin

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