
Should Sarah Palin be forever known as Sarah "Secessionist" Palin?

by Guest66980  |  earlier

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She was a member of the Alaska Independence Party? As in, they want to secede from the Union. Is that about as anti-American as you can get?




  1. k

  2. Daily ko's is only topped by as a news source.

  3. No it is not "Anti-American".  The United States is a country founded on seccenionism.  

  4. She is a piece of c**p

  5. Tell you what,  as soon as you can find a source that is a little less biased against any Republican I will give it a listen, but the dailykos is nothing more than the National Enquirer of the internet.


    I will let her speak for herself.

  7. omg sarah ffin palin... im sick of hearing about her.... i dont care!

  8. Well your dailykos (talk about fringe groups) article does 'not' say she was a member of this group.  all thats there is , as governor, she addressed them with a video which is on youtube.

    and your spell it suceed not seceed. my mistake i thought you had spelled it suceed. in the lower part, thats what i get for multitasking.

    but no the article does not say she was a member it 'asks' was she a member.

  9. This just shows McCains lack of good judgment ... god help us if he wins...  

  10. This is all an attempt by liberals to dig for anything to use against this decent, principled woman that they hate.

  11. bunk? or what just sounds like more mud slung dung to me!

  12. the dailykos? please.  

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