
Should Sarah Palin institute a One Child per Daughter policy?

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Should Sarah Palin institute a One Child per Daughter policy?




  1. Oh grow up or pick on someone your own age.

    Leave that kid alone. Obama says so too - are you thick?

    Why do you relish that child's pain just because you hate her mother's politics?

    She has suffered as much as anyone for her mother's antiquated views on s*x education and birth control.

    Why can't you see that?

    You are a disgrace. Call yourself a woman. Where is your compassion for a scared little girl?

  2. Tacky and trashy were the 1st things to come to my mind when I saw your question.Crawl back under your rock.

  3. funny, but you know you should not write stuff like that  

  4. NO but she should come clean about who raised 5 kids while she was being a politician.  Maybe institute a 1 DUI per husband policy since drunk drivers kill innocent children.

  5. Sounds good especially since Barack is enamored with all things Chinese.

  6. Ayers trained protesters to throw Clorox at RNC participants (even some Democrats in attendance got doused)...

    and this is what you discuss?

  7. Now this is going a little two far now

  8. No, that's in China...Oh wait...Liberals SUPPORT communism, so they'd most likely go for that idea...I doubt the Palin's would, though...d**n good thing we have a CHOICE in this country, huh?

  9. Yes, she could institue a China-like policy for her own family.  And then later, she could implement the eating of dog on certain days of the week.  

  10. I think your parents should have had a *zero* child policy as you are a good indication of why?

  11. another partisan hack.

    tos answer:no.

    WOW!!!  the democrat hacks are just flustered!

  12. God, I wish we could get past the 12 year old questions to some actual issues.

  13. Let me see. Are you saying that parents are liable for decisions their "adult" children make or that no candidate has ever had problems with their children, or women should not be political candidates?

  14. oh please.  

  15. It beats a homosexual in every pot, like the libtard party.

  16. Get a life............

    Undecided - Independent

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