
Should Sarah Palin receive a free pass because she's a woman?

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Mayor of Wasilla




  1. Just look at the negative stories reported on Obama then compare them with the stories on Palin.

    They covered Rev. White for maybe a week maximum.

    Since Sarah Palin has been in the spotlight,  I have seen multiple negative stories.

    That is about a week and a half

    I know they will just keep coming.

    and the reason she fired the Safety Official is because her sister's ex tasered his own son and has been reprimanded many times.

    She herself never asked the Official to fire him, but other officials did, and when the Safety guy did not, she had no choice but to fire him.

    $15 million rail project connecting Wasilla with her hometown so she wouldn't have to drive

    Her hometown is Wasilla, idiot.

    She's as bad as McCain and Bush with her bridge to nowhere

    She cut funding for that.

    Unresearched liberal rant.

  2. Should Obama get a free pass because he is black?

  3. Why not? Barrack is getting a free pass because he is the liberal black Jesus. I'm sick of seeing "objective" news anchors dampening their panties over this guy.

  4. She stopped the bridge to nowhere genius. Jeez.

  5. Anything other than a free pass is sexism. McCain said it today, it is in the news.

  6. McCain and Palin would be the biggest and most nauseating scandal in the White House.  People will pray to go back to the days of "normal" Lewinsky affairs after these two.

    Puddin, in what way did she "earn" it is the question.

  7. She has more experience then Obama!  I have not seen proof of the negative qualities you list.  xox

  8. It seems like she should get the same scrutiny as any other candidate, but the media is treating her with kid gloves.  I suspect she'll largely get a pass by the mainstream media.

  9. She has earned her right to be there! With hard work and not on her knees! Some of sound jealous and perhaps threatened by a woman holding this position in the White House! Grow up!

  10. Wow, for you to be a top contributor, you must not have a job, therefore you are a typical liberal. I am A "typical white person" like Obamas Grandmother wink wink.

    I don't see you mentioning anything of your guys associates and dealings. Oh thats because it is off-limits right? get a clue man.

  11. I heard your mom applied for the job.

    Actually, she seems to be under more strict scrutiny than any man.  Why?

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