
Should Scotland , N. Ireland, Wales, and England declare Independence from each other??

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Should Scotland , N. Ireland, Wales, and England declare Independence from each other??




  1. Not without consulting the people.

  2. Well as a Scottish Nationalist, my answer is a simple: Yes.

    I cannot and will not however speak for those in England, Wales and N. Ireland and they should have a referendum to decide the matter for themselves.  It is looking likely that a referendum in some way shape or form will be brought to the Scottish electorate  in 2010 or 11, I do hope that we vote for independence and I have every faith we shall.  

    But there is a sizable percentage that wish to remain in the Union, for these people, greater Devolution for time is an option, and one in which the Calman Commission is looking into.

    I do believe that certain issues must be addressed Now, for instance English Devolution.

    Devolution is not  one stop journey,which Labour believed it was, and would be.  Devolution is a journey for Independence out with the control of Westminster.

  3. Yes, however because only the Scots, Irish and Welsh have parliaments they are the only ones who can easily have a national referendum on the matter, why do you think that England does not have a parliament? The Scots will probably have a referendum and may vote to leave, however the Welsh will be quite satisfied with the status quo in which England keeps them and Northern Ireland will also stay because the only other alternative is to join Eire. However the sooner the Scots leave and Brown is thrown out of office the better.

  4. Scotland will, in all probability become independent in a decade or so.. England and Wales are more tied together, though still separate countries. And N Ireland will likely rejoin the Republic.

  5. Yes. They would be happier that way. :-)

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