
Should Scotland break away from the Kingdom?

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Is it wise? Or should the West, especially Britain, stick together to fight the terrorists and maybe Chinese?




  1. break away


  2. its not just terrorism,the financial economy what with the banks not keen to borrow or lend it would make for financial disaster for scotland ,if you want your house repossesed then say yes!!

  3. some of the Scots are the terrorist to England!

    the islands that make up the British commonwealth hate the main land for the many years of terrible things the English did to them.

    Scotland is free of them if memory serves but Ireland is not.

    If Scotland is not free then it is do to them staying a part of the British Isles on there own!

  4. What is the Kingdom?  Don't you mean United Kingdom?  What have you got against Chinese people?  I'm Scottish & I am all for Scottish independence, if only to get away from racist fools like you.

    If you aren't being racist you ought to explain yourself better & I will of course retract my comment.

  5. Stick together.   Always

  6. Not  before all the other territories do.

  7. No, it shouldn't. Scotland is cool, and it should never feel second-class to England. And it should assert its unique strengths and abilities. But the ties that bind the United Kingdom together are strong, and should be respected. It would be a denial of heritage.

    On the other hand, it did take the Iberians 700 years to kick out the Moors.... And I don't think too many people in Spain regret that decision.

  8. Why on earth should we fight the Chinese? They pose no threat to us and we should be more friendly if anything. Yes, Scotland should break away - they're always moaning that they want to be independent but I'd like to see how they'll pay for their free prescriptions and education without the English taxpayer.

  9. Break away.

  10. stick together.has for fighting the happens every weekend in my locol takeaway.

  11. Solomon here " pray how much Scotch do the Chinese drink?"

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