
Should Senators and Members of Congress be required to publish their Stock Portfolios?

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And other investments to show the public conflicts of interest Like John Kerry Holding Exxon Mobile and BP? Apply the Standard to all elected officials.




  1. certainly that would get half of them jail sentences

  2. That's a great idea.  In fact, to take it a step further, I think they should not be invested in stocks at all.  It's a direct conflict of interest since they regulate the industries they are invested in.

  3. Yes, Public Officials should reveal their financial holdings to the public. In fact, I believe there is a disclosure law, although it  is not as comprehensive for Presidential candidates.

    This should not be an obstacle to their holding office, but they should follow certain ethics and recluse themselves from voting on a bill that effects any financial holding they might have.

  4. that would certainly let a bunch of cats out of a lot of bags~!!!

    i wold loooove to see that happen, and then listen to them try to spin things~!!!!

    they treat us like we are as dumb as doorknobs~!!!

    good one dude~!!!

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