
Should Servers Be Paid At least Regular Minimum Wage?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know what minimum wage is now, but assume it's $6.

Servers in the past have been getting less than $3/hr. and tips are suppose to balance them out.

Most restaurants charge high prices in the first place, so it seems like the owner/operator is actually making an extra $3/hr from their wait staff.




  1. I was a server for three years, and the most I ever made (base wage) was $3.75/hr.  Most people were amazed at how much I made with my tips.  Servers make all their money in tips, basically.  The hourly wage being low is a good thing because it helps customer's realize the importance of leaving a decent tip.

    I believe a larger base wage would mean you'd ultimately make less overall.  Customers would start to think you're making too much money, and may stop tipping altogether.

  2. yes, EVERYONE who puts forth effort to get up, go out and work for their own living should get at least minimum wage.

    Tips are not guaranteed.

  3. I don't think so.  If we started getting minimum wage and the customers knew, then tips would go down.  They'd be thinking "Why bother tipping now?".  I was making $4, but with tips I figured it up and I was really making more like $33 an hour.  I'd rather be making that much than $7.25 and diminished tips.

  4. There should be no minimum wage. The amount waiters get paid should be determined by the waiter and the business owner. Uncle Sam should keep his nose out of it!

  5. i'm a server and i make $3.37.5 how i earn half a cent i dont know but if i make 30 in tip i have made min wage i almost always make more than 30 so i'm happy my check just pays my taxes that why they pay me hourly anyways.

  6. I believe that the restaurants that have little business or small ones with little tips should pay minimum wage, which here is 6.25 an hour, and most servers here either get minimum wage or 4-5 an hour as well as tips. Tips do not generate enough to make up for the missed wages unless it is a very busy restaurant with good tippers or a tipping policy (which is where the correct tip amount is added into the bill itself). We have many places like that. For bad service, the normal tip is 10-15% of the total bill. For excellent service, then it can be as high as 30%.

  7. From a former servers perspective, heck no! I always made MUCH more than minimum wage serving and I'd guess that 99% of the others do, too.

    As far as restaurants charging high prices, sure, some are gouging, but you have to take into consideration that you aren't paying for the cost of the food itself but for the fact that they made it for you and served it to you and cleaned up after you. Plus they are still paying the chefs, dishwashers, book keepers, etc... full wages. You aren't paying for the food, you're paying for the experience and only you can decide if it's worth your hard earned dough (pun intended, but maybe not realized...)

  8. I have to agree with the guy above. When you r paying the money to go out to eat you are paying for the atmosphere, the food, and the quality(most of all)

    And as far and the $3 an hour you usually make more than enough and the $3 an hour pays for your taxes and that is most important.

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