
Should Squatting be made into a criminal offence

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  1. squatters rights is such a stupid thing, maybe someone should do that to 10 downing street and claim squatters rights. that would be hilarious. lmao

  2. You do realize that in the rest of the  modern world, this type of thing is not even a topic of conversation ?

    By that I mean that private property, of any kind, is still OWNED by someone, be it a person, or a company, and their right to it is un-questioned . Just because it is not  currently occupied does not make it available for bums to live in..

    It is a sad sign of the decline in public order, in the United Kingdom,

    that the Police are unwilling to enforce the law.

    Here in Canada, this is an un-heard of event. Doesn't happen. Why not ? Private property rights are still enforced here .NO wonder two million Britons have left the UK in the past 10 years, and many of them have come to Canada, to escape such stupidity as this squatting nonsense.

    Jim B. Toronto.

  3. absolutely not. if no one is using the property, why should anyone care if someone is seeking warmth and shelter in it.  we need to help one another, not turn them further into the streets.

  4. Well I cant do it standing up.

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