
Should Steve Bucknore still be umpiring, he is now Umpiring ENG ?NZ test match i think hes alreadygot it wrong

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he just given not out to NZ, batsman ,but i my mind it was out




  1. Bucknor was one of the best umpires around a few years ago and sure he may have deteriorated slightly with age however he is still one of my favourite umpires in the game!

    As KooKee said, they cant get it right all of the time but thats part of cricket. It tests the players and can actually add to the spirit of the game. A bowler gets a dodgy decision, this then tests his abilitiy and self control to overcome this and perform better. If the bowler is strong enough, he will feel even more determined to show the umpire he can get it right and get the batsmen out without a shadow of doubt.

    Now after the whole controversy with India people will be looking for mistakes with Bucknor more than before and when you look hard enough you will always find something wrong. Other umpires probably make the same or even more mistakes than Bucknor himself however all the attention has been unfairly focused on him.

    I think we should just give the umpires a break and respect their decision. Technology isn't always right so Bucknor may have been correct in the first place! So if the umpire says the player's not out, they're not out.

    EDIT: Oh yeah I'm not saying he is in his prime right now, his best years are definitely behind him but all I was trying to put across was that he can't get everything right all the time... he isn't superman lol! Therefore I don't necessarily think his bad decisions are all down to his age, more so just good ole' human error!

    Good question though, I enjoy a bit of healthy debating!  :)

  2. i dont no but he was good enuf widd his past records....

  3. no

  4. Umpires are humans and even a good umpire makes mistakes.

    It is part and parcel of the game. Sometime when those mistakes are made at crucial time of a match it can affect one

    team badly. He is still one of the better umpires and is getting

    old. Let the poor guy making his living.

    Rather than sacking an umpire, bring the use of technology and

    let the players choose when they need to ask for 3rd ump.

  5. yes, he has been one of the best going around for a long time, now he's best days are behind him but he is still doing a good enough job, i sure as h**l wouldnt like to do his job! honestly people, umpire have been making mistakes for centuries! yet the game has still propered, i see no reason to change it

    we just have to accept it, the umpires will sometimes give a decision that we think is wrong, well technically, since the umpire decides what is the right decision, doesnt that mean we have it wrong? the umpire decides and we have to live by it, good or bad, the same as its been for 200 years

  6. Did you ever hear about the proverb on dog's tail? It is there in one of the Indian languages. Dog's tail is always crooked. No matter how long you hold it tight to make it appear tightened, it would again be crooked, once you leave your grip on it.

  7. People need to give Bucknor a break. Umpires arent robots!! they WILL make mistakes! i have always thought that Bucknor was a good umpire and i still do!!. He could make a couple of wrong decisions in this test match, but all umpires do!!. You cant expect an umpire to be perfect

  8. It was a no ball that's why he gave not out.  Obviously he is still fit and right to be umpire otherwise ICC wouldn't appoint him as umpire in the current test match.

  9. He's not as old as Dickie Bird! Every umpire is going to make mistakes, & while I agree with you that he is past his prime, you can't expect perfection in any one of them.They are only human.

    Edit: Bird was born in 1933, Bucknor 1946, so there is a 13 yr difference in their ages!

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