
Should Texas secede and become the newly sovereign Lone Star Republic?

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I know that Texas would be the 12th largest economy in the world on its own GDP. I'm not saying we should isolate ourselves, but rather bring governmental decisions closer to home where the government will more efficiently respond to Texans' needs and our taxes would be for us. We could join NAFTA and still trade with Mexico, USA, and Canada as well as other countries. Plus, we seceded from Mexico because we didn't think it was best for us to remain there. With the economy how it is today, maybe Texas can choose its own destiny much better than some politicians in DC who have to care about the nation as a whole and then there's all the bipartisan problems in the DC govt. As for the borders, we could set up something like the EU where we keep our sovereignty (stolen by the fed. govt. now) but allow people to come and go. Who knows, maybe we'll expand our borders...Lone Star Republic has a nice ring to it...doesn't it? (Anyone ever watch Jericho? It renewed my sense of Texan nationalism)




  1. I would have supported that before I became a soldier. I am A Texan. I live in Humble Texas. Being it's own country makes more since than being part of the union. Texas is the greatest state in the union. However, what makes the United States beautiful and powerful is the union and every states role in the union. I say instead of seceding from the union let us work to repair this great country and bring it back to the heart of what it once was. That can only be done by bringing our government closer to its constitutional founding and not further away. Less "big brother" and more individual rights.

  2. NAFTA and CAFTA was a starting point to bring American under one currency. Amerio.......

    The amount of damage that NAFTA has done to our country.... Just the other day we shipped an enitre Crysler plant to Mexico.....  Wounder how many jobs we lost there?

  3. I say go for it.  You can probably run things better in Austin than they could in DC.

  4. Good riddance. Please take New Jersey with you.

  5. The idea has some merit, but I wonder if the import/export needs of TX as a country would be fulfilled. The 'United' States was formed primary as a mechanism of order so that our nation and economy could be represented as one entity.for strength in numbers in many aspects and to unify rules and government procedure as a nation of 'laws' on a collective and individual basis.

    Being from Los Angeles, Calif, where there are 88 cities in Los Angeles (Calif. being the 5th largest economy for country's - not STATES in the World) I see the independent cities of El Segundo, Santa Monica ,Culver City etc. do better with smaller governments and  less corrupted elements that are involved with larger umbrella efforts.

    I think the combined protection of the Federal oversight for emergency situations might be oversold, but other than a central bank, treasury and federal laws, I can't think of any other dis-advantages.

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