
Should There Be A Street Fighting Championships?

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Should a decent promoter start a Street fighting Championships? Should the "trained" and the "untrained" be allowed to fight in such a championship against their own style, example, MMA vs- MMA, Street fighter -vs - Street Fighter, Karate -vs- Karate, Jujtsu -vs-Jujitsu etc.etc. etc. in a all "Bare Fisted Championships"?




  1. I'm torn between two conclusions.

    The first conclusion is that a street fight is dangerous, and would never be sanctioned in America. Things like headbutts,

    biting, eye-gouges, rabbit punches, and groin shots are outlawed in MMA for a reason. From a moral stand-point, it's wrong to throw competitors in an event where someone will probably get seriously or permentantly injured and maybe killed. (As opposed to MMA, where most people walk away alright)

    The second conclusion is that in a street fight, it's a test of pure willpower. Who is willing to do whatever it takes to win? While I don't agree with the ethics, televised street fights would definetley draw a big audience, and I must admit I'd probably be part of that audience. It's kind of like a train wreck - You don't know what to make of it, but you can't look away.

    My final conclusion? Morally, it wouldn't be any better than watching a dog fight. But if the goal is to draw a large audience and make money, it would probably be succesful.

    As far as the glove thing, I've noticed from you're other posts you seem to think gloves are for pansies. Understand that in MMA the gloves are not there to protect your opponents face. A punch with gloves that thin will hurt just as bad as a punch without them. The purpose of the gloves is actually so that you can punch HARDER without injuring you're knuckles. The sport wouldn't be nearly as fun to watch if someone messed up their hand before the second round was over and the fight got stopped.

  2. It would unfortunately never be allowed, although, you can find set up streetfight videos online, planned 2v2 fights .etc, very exciting stuff.

  3. While I would love to see it, the answer is no.  There are way too many variables to control for.  Who is to say that some 5th degree black belt won't show up so that he can get in some practice on untrained people?

  4. Movie makers have glorified gangsters and serial killers as well authors in their books . I think we can do without street fighting championships , we have a lot of negative media in our society and don't need to add any more fire to the fuel.

    Street fighting is against the law for a reason and it is because of people who put money before moral values that money is said to be the 'root of all evil'.

    I honestly think that a decent promoter will not promote a unmoral, backward activity such as street fighting.

    There's a time and place for everything but not everything deserves our time.

  5. i think there should be bare fist fighting why not just no weapons and a ref i would pay to watch lol

  6. A "street fighting championship" is a paradox. There are no rules in a street fight. Any championship would have to be regulated.

    Couldn't happen.

  7. I agree with you in many ways William, that quite honestly the UFC is only one type of fighting, and quite honestly only bares a surface resemblence to true self defense. That is why I laugh when I see answers from people that the only styles worth training are what work in the UFC.

    While the gloves they wear do not protect their opponent as much as a lot of people think, they, along with having their wrists taped very well, keep the person from breaking a knuckle, or buckling a wrist, but my question is are yiou going to have these on the street? If you have never punched something solid without being taped, you have probably never developed all of the little stabalizer muscles to keep the wrist from bending on contact. What happens when your not taped on the street, and because of being protected by the tape, your wrist is weak and buckles or is sprained, and you no longer have that hand availible?

    What happens if you break your knuckles because you are not used to contact with them without padding? Whata happens if one of the tiny bones in your hand breaks(boxers fracture)? Try to make solid contact if any of these happens.

    Another aspect of why I think the UFC is not truly representative of real self defense is that there will be different motivations. In the ring you know going in that you are fairly safe. generally the worst that can happen is you get knocked out, but you know it will stop there. You know if you get caught you have the option to tap before major damage is done. You have neither of these garuntees in self defense.

    In self defense if you get knocked out there is no garuntee the guy(s) are not going to keep using your head as a soccer ball. The motivation for quitting is also different. Am I going to tap or give up if my arm is broke, if I am the only thing standing between my attacker and one of my children or my wife? Don't think so.

    Another factor is how far are you willing to take it? Rules aside, people in the UFC fight for pride, belts, and money, which is not enough reason for most people to get extreme with the level they will go to. If I am defending myself or someone I love, and it is about survival, don't you think I would be willing to do anything, up to and including breaking a neck? there is a fairly simple way to do it from a standard Guillotine position, that requires little effort.

    I mean we have not even touched upon multiple attackers or weapons.

    I agree that while the UFC and other's like it are great to watch, they cannot simulate many of the factors that would be present in true self defense, and what you are suggesting would be much closer to real life, which maybe would show that in a different context, the styles that work in the ring might not dominate in self defense, or the type of fighting you are suggesting, and I would love to see it.

    remember UFC 1? Keith hackney won his match and took down a much bigger opponent, but couldn't continue because he broke his hand. That is where the fault with the current UFC lyes, that conditions are not such as they would be in the street, so how can you judge whether a style would work in real life even though it might not be great for the octogon? Many style contain a lot of open hand strikes, which protects the hands and knuckkles from being broken. Does Muya Thai?

    i like your idea, unfortunatly i do not think there is any way that you would be able to get it sanctioned in this country, even if you had people willing to fight in it, because the goverment is not eally big on personel choice anymore, but itwould be fun to watch.

    Edit for the people giving em thumbs down- go play with your UFC action figures.

  8. apparently u missed the first 6 ufc's

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