
Should Tripp Isenhour be punished for killing a bird on purpose with a golf shot?

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  1. How SAD !!! A poor animal was KILLED for making noise ? This is one sad little man. 20 years..

  2. He's an idiot who should burn for life. They need to think of stiffer penalties for these idiots cuz obviously they aren't getting the message and they already have all the money to pay the fines so that's not hurting them either.  And all the jail time that these idiots supposedly might have to serve is absolutely absurd because they NEVER have to serve any of it it's always all suspended. That's c**p.  Since they can prove that it was intentional they need to kick him out of the PGA and then he'll feel it maybe cuz he'll have to go flip burgers since probably his only talent came from golfing and if that's gone what's he got? Hopefully nothing.  If they don't do something drastic and make an example out of him how can they expect this kind of behavior to stop? And for those that say it's just an animal, most of the murderers in prisons started out abusing animals before they killed people! People like him make me sick. He should get locked in a room and people should be able to whack him with golf clubs and golf balls and we'll laugh when he's screaming in pain...see how he likes that.

  3. If he's found guilty, and it appears he is, he should do jail time even if it's only a week or so.  His explanation is unbelievably lame.  How could a pro golfer who repeatedly hits golf balls at a target only 75 yards away seriously believe he had no chance of hitting it?

    Another question.  Why didn't someone on the film crew stop him?

  4. Yes, even more so because of his professional status. There needs to be a message sent to professional players. If you are going to get paid enormous amounts of money there are higher standards that you need to be held to. All too often we see a pro athlete do something and get slapped on the wrist. Its unfortunate that we live in a time where no one takes responsibility for their actions. Its starts at the top, if the people at the top do not take responsibility why would the peasants do anything different. So yes, Tripp Isenhour should be held accountable and have to accept the maximum punishment that is allowed by Flordia's governing body of law.

  5. Definitely!!!  What an arrogant pc. of s***!!!!!!!!!! They should strip him of that title he played in and won and ban him for a while too, after they tie him to a pole in the middle of a driving range for an hour!!!

  6. Yes.  The hawk was a protected species, and the fact that it inconvenienced Isenhour doesn't justify killing it.

    I don't advocate the death penalty for this crime, however.

  7. He should be in jail for about 2 years and fined about $250,000.

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