
Should Turkey be in EU or not?

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Should Turkey be in EU or not?




  1. after Irelands "no",if it should or shouldn't has no point at all....

  2. if Turkey will solve problems by itself, I'm %100 sure turkey wont need to be a part of EU.everybody know that Europe need Turkey because turkey has everything: agriculture, industry, diggings etc. if turkey do what EU give as briefs, turkey wont need EU anymore. we just need improvements.

    so i say no as a proud Turkish.

  3. I think it should be. I think Turkey could be a valuable asset to Europe. It is already classed as Europe for a lot of things anyway, ie here on Yahoo answers or when I buy travel insurance etc etc

  4. You got an excellent answer by Trotsky-vs-Kerensky :

    We love our country, therefore we refuse to join a lower category such as EU.

  5. yea why not

  6. It all depends to what the Turks want.If they like the idea they will do what they have to so Turkey will enter the EU.It should be up to the people.Yia sou.

  7. No, it should not.

  8. I myself would love to see it part of the EU. I have been to Istanbul and really loved it. My daughter also had an exchange student live with her from Turkey. I sure don't think of it as Asian like one of your answers, but it would benefit your country greatly if it was part of the EU.

  9. 97 % of Turkey is in Asia, so why should they be in EU.

  10. Hi,

    Türkiye should be in Shangai Coorperation Union !

  11. turkey is not in Europe because the base of Europe is the Christianity. Greek and roman civilization and the french revolution and there isn't respect from turkey to these BUT turkey can adopt all these of course expect of Christianity and can entry to EU. also turkey;s entry will solve many problems to their neigh boors like Armenia,Greece and Cyprus. yes turkey if adopt the Europeans laws and have European behavior then should be in EU but now it cant.

  12. more than %3 of turkey in europe scientifically samos,rodos or similar greek islands are in the east of izmir otherwise we'd have been called them middle-eastern islands also EU membership doesnt come for free many countries know that anyway


  14. I agree with Cetin NO it should not, it should be apart of the Shanghai Union.  This sort of question gets asked all the time we are Turkish, however the land of Turkey has a total area of : 775 000 km²

    The total area on the European Continent is 24,378 km², considering that the European portion of Turkish lands is several times if not many many times bigger than some so called European Nations/States/Countries why wouldn't some Turks feel European or others Asian. What difference does it really make if you feel European or Asian ?? You are what you are and at the end of the day we are all Human, however it appears that some Humans aren't even in the Human Race let alone anywhere near winning it.

    Andorra Total area: 468 km²

    Armenia Total area: 29 743 km²

    Belgium Total area: 30 158 km²

    Cyprus Total area: 9 000 km²

    Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Total area: 25 713 km²

    Greece Total area: 131 957 km²

    Liechtenstein Total area: 160 km²

    Luxembourg Total area: 2 586 km²

    Malta Total area: 316 km²

    Monaco Total area: 1.95 km²

    Montenegro Total area: 13 812 km²

    San Marino Total area: 61.2 km²

    Slovenia Total area: 20 000 km²

    Switzerland Total area: 41 284 km²

    Vatican City State Total area: 0.4 km²

  15. Of course it should. Of course, if they want to. However, I have noticed that most Turks seem to not like that idea. But if they want to be a part of the EU, I don't see why not, they certainly deserve it.

  16. No! Especially since they just found oil!

    I wish Turkey all the best. I just got back from a cruise that stopped there for three days and the country stole my heart!

  17. If they want, why not? It has the same chances to get into it that other countries. Turkey is not exactly Europe, but is not Asian at all. I think it deserves a chance, at least. I think it's on par with most European countries. Yes, it's poorer than Western Europe, but is not far from Romania for example, and culturally has things in common with us, and some differences (but in my opinion their aren't an obstacle).

    I'd like it could be with us, but is not only the choice of the Turkish government and the EU: the turkish society has to decide as well, and I'm not sure if they really want to join.

  18. we dont need that your EU membership !

    enjoy with your EU guys!!!

    Turkey would be good for the EU as it will give the EU a better relationship with the Islamic world, and a more secure gateway to Middle East energy resources - thus giving EU less reliance to Russia.....

    Just to remind that Turkey is already a member of quite a lot of European organisations and this for many years from now.... raising probably less issue than some other member state... the right for women vote was obtained in Turkey 35 years before French women got it... and if we continue to give arguments to opponants inside Turkey the women situation is begoming more free that in some other european countries.....

    also I dont want to be in a same Union with Bulgaria, Romania, yuuuuk

    enjoy with your EU guys!!!

    we have to be in Shangai Union! or better have good relationship wirh Russia :) that is much more better then your EU !!!

  19. Turkey should not bother with EU. If Turkey can make Russia believe Turkey is not really after Turan. Worlds strongest pact which also controls most strategic geography may be created. Russia, Turkey, all central Asia Turkish countries, and of course all other countries will stick too, who got sick of EU crusaders.

  20. If EU were going toward Utopia, I would say yes. But EU is going toward racism, elitism, double standards, hypocrisy and close-mindedness. I'm really not interested in roaming freely in such a union. I hope things change for the better.

  21. I agree with my best friend Totally Blunt

  22. turkey needs a revolution.western secular turks living in the western lands and the kurds and pro islam turks livining in the east,the religious movements need to be crushed and someone needs to take fed up of this nonsense.plenty of turks are western enough  and 'white enough' to be european.its the sharia lovers and pro-kurds holding us back.

    western turks advancing science and quality of life in the west and eastern turks moved to the east to live thier life around thier religion.

    i think i had to much to drink,but hey,least i lay it on the line.

  23. why should we ? l set up my own business last year, and l make more than  $ 15.000 dollar per month, and it has been increasing. I don't think l can earn that much in Europe with the same business. Turkey is really a place for the opportunities. l travelled most part of Europe such as Greece , Bulgaria , Romania ,Netherlands and Italy, but ensure you that we have cleaner streets , more job opportunities , more delicious dishes and more educated people than those countries. I really do not want those countries to become a burden to Turkey

  24. i think technically it should be.

    but i dont think it would be good for Turkey.

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