
Should Turkey join the EU? Why or why not?

by Guest67032  |  earlier

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Should Turkey join the EU? Why or why not?




  1. No, not because of its culture, but because of the lack of democracy, and the oppression of freedom of speech, even if this oppression was direct to augment the european appearance.

  2. No it shouldnt, as it will drag the rest of Europe down.Also if Turkey joins, where exactly will Europe end?Will Russia,Israel and Iran be next?Europes boundaries should end somewhere and i think they are fine as they are.And i am not only saying this cause i am Greek and not in favour of Turkey!

  3. I don't think can. Why? Turkey sits on two continent. One end in continental Europe, the other in Asia. So its not proper Europe to be a member of EU.

  4. No, I think eu has to streghten the economic relationship with Turkey, but I think that Turkey is not an European country: yes, it lays in part in the European continent but it has no common values with any European states. I think that culture and religion still are  shared values among Eu states, and they are too different to those of Turkey.

    Morovere some states, such as Austria or Italy and France would never accept Turkey into the Eu.

  5. cassiopim, how exactly would it drag Europe down? Turkey's tourism is booming. In 2007, 27,214,988 visitors/tourists came to Turkey and contributed 18.5 billion U.S. dollars.

    I don't think it makes a big difference either way.

  6. Turkey's claim for Europeanness is that fig leaf of area in European mainland around Intanbul. Whole of Europe shares Christianity and associated culture. However much they have diluted with secular posturing, their muslim culture doesn't mix with European culture, like the immiscible water and oil mixture. Also their NATO membership in which except America and Canada all others are Europeans, buttresses their claim.

    Why they want to join EU? They have always aspired to be Europeans. They want to share European prosperity and money. They want to gain respectability after the wholesale slaughter of Armenians and appropriating their lands, half a century ago. It is like 'hunting with the hounds and running with the hares'.

    You heard this joke - 'For a picnic outing of a group with all nations, the British fellow brought sausages, Italian brought wines, French brought French cheese and so on. You know what a Turkish brought? He brought his brother along.'

  7. No they should not.

  8. Let me present the two sides.

    Yes. The EU is an exclusive group of countries that enjoy economic advantages by pooling their resources together and opening up their boundaries to free-up the movement of goods and services. Turkey may enjoy its benefits.

    No. EU's exacting rules on religion could have a toll in a country whose religious inclination have an effect to every aspect of its citizens' life. The wearing of scarves, burqas, Moreover, democracy doesn't sit well with traditionally Islamic state.

    Then, of course, there is a question on whether Turkey could meet EU standards. The country may be far from achieving EU status. The Cyprus problem too has a factor in this.

    Personally, NO.

  9. I'd be delighted if it did, but at the moment the EU is balking.  Too bad.  It would be in everybody's interest to improve connections between Turkey and Europe.

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