
Should U.S. Vice President d**k Cheney be prosecuted for War Crimes?

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Should U.S. Vice President d**k Cheney be prosecuted for War Crimes?




  1. Was he in iraq? no.........

    if u consider war crimes killing the enemy then u should face a terrorist face to face and see wat u do.

  2. YES! And Bush too!

  3. Not until he commits one.

  4. The entire administration should be... but I am not betting any money that it will happen.

    And I'd say lying about the pretenses for going into a war that has resulted in over 4,000 dead American soldiers, thousands more seriously wounded, and tens of thousands of innocent dead Iraqis constitutes a war crime in my book. If you just factor in the blow to our economy, the trillion+ dollar deficit, and the lack of any stategy or exit plan, I'd say they are at LEAST guilty of gross negligence.

  5. Get real you A- hole

    We should prosecute Clinton for Knowingly letting OBL go when we had a shot at blowing his turbin to kingdom come

  6. Not until Bill Clinton is prosecuted for his.

  7. If he commits one, then yes.

  8. Bush will before he does, fact is most people failed to understand the invasion of Iraq has a lot more to do with Cheney did Bush does.  He is the one that provided crucial intel and recommendation to bush for invasion and afterall he's the former CEO of Halliburn (Oil Companies)

  9. Nah, just let him leave office and be done with him.

  10. NO. He has committed no crimes, he called and wants to know if you want to go hunting?

  11. OBAMA!!!

  12. No..

  13. No, cause he never comes out of his lair...but seriously, no.

  14. Yes he and his puppet as well

  15. Yes.  We know the former Chilean dictator,  Pinochet was arrested in England at the request of the Spanish Government for crimes against humanity.

    And he was placed under house arrest

    - The same thing can happen to Bush, Chaney, Tennant, people in the Dept of Justice and former Defense Secretary Rumsfeld.

    There is enough proof that torture was sanctioned by top  people in the administration.

    I would hope Cheney hides under a rock the rest of his life and can avoid extradiction to the World Court.

    Same goes for Bush.

    There was no justification for this war.

  16. Why are you asking us? It's for you to decide, don't let someones opinion effect yours. And no, i don't think he should because He hasn't committed one. Have you ever been in the military? Because if have you would realize what we're fighting in the Middle East. Then think about your question...

  17. yessssssssssssssssssss i think or noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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