
Should U.S. split into smaller nations?

by Guest45133  |  earlier

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It's a wierd question but the northeastern, southern, midwestern, pacific, and western states all secede into 5 seperate nations? What would the benefits and consequences be?




  1. too many people died and have died to keep this country the way it is now. this coutnry has flaws just like any country in the world  but this is the best if that was the case none of us here  will had rights

  2. That, and the opposite, One World Government, it's hard to say which would result in the bigger circus! Regards, Larry.

  3. For one it would have made the entire civil war pointless.

    But it sort of already is that way. Each state is sort of it's own "country" that operates within itself, and part of the greater whole, with it's own laws and economy. That's how California by itself can rival France in terms of Economic size.

    The states within the US functions like the member nations of the EU.

  4. no what would work better is if the states broke up into 2-3 sections (republic, democratic, independant) then choose 3 cities for the captials of each one, doing this should make laws pass faster, and show the true colors of who is better (probably a conservitive )

  5. Well it's like living in Philadelphia.  Philadelphia is a city but it has many sections.  For some reason most of the money for city projects winds up in Center City area which happens to be where the Liberty Bell, Declaration of Independence, Betsy Ross's house et al are located.  If you spread the states too thin, most areas will not get their fair share of revenue.

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