
Should UK Current Events Be Separate From The US?

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The 'clique' is under attack...




  1. Those yanks are so up themselves it's untrue!

    Your question: Yes, it should be separate, we need protecting from the xenophobes who think that the good 'ole US of A is superior in every way to anywhere else in the world.

  2. For the record, the US is FAR superior to the UK in all ways. As for starting another "illegal" war, we could invade England and free the Irish. It might take half a day at the most.

    Just remember, without the US you'd be speaking German right now.

  3. I think Americans would like to live in a world of their own... don't you?

    I come to Answers to learn about different experiences, cultures and beliefs. I don't care if people form cliques (if that is what they really are).

  4. Where would Snizz go? would she have to choose between us?


    OUCH!! I just fell off my perch PMSL at Guy's answer down below - te he he he he he he he he he he he

  5. Its an idea well worth considering. As a Brit I get a bit fed-up with Americans asking the same questions over and over, such as - Gas Prices - Oil - Obama, Clinton & Macain -. They seem to forget that this is a International site. A couple of weeks ago someone asked, "Whats the price of gas in your country?". Of the 14 answers, 12 were from other states. I will agree that the "clique chat" is getting to be a real bore.

    Bones. America came into the war two years too late, then claimed they won it on their own. Typical.

    As for the Irish. The troubles as they were known lasted thirty years, thanks in no small part by the terrorist's being sponsored by Americans.

  6. There are dedicated sites for most countries, in fact the US only site has TWO, one in English and one in Spanish.

    All one has to do is go to the bottom of the home page and select the desired country of choice.

    I have posted questions and answered in different countries ....... so what is the problem here?

    We all have the choice as to which posts we answer and those that we do not......... hardly Neuro-surgery now is it?


    Quirky, this idea has been suggested many times, yahoo actually responded to this one.

  7. lol.....really what difference would it make, can't you go and click on any flag and answer a question there.....

  8. Well, I'm British/Australian but I have to agree with the Yanks (and that, believe me, is a first). You lot should really restrict yourselves to chatting capriciously and insulting ignominiously on messenger.

    NB, the country-specific filters don't work properly. I have often tried filtering for Aus questions only and I get all kinds of mishmash from all parts of the globe, including spatterings of Brit-cliquery.

    Edit: We'd be speaking German, Bones? That's funny. What language do you speak, or try to speak? English, comes from England - get the connection? In fact if it weren't for the English and Irish emigrants to America, YOU would be the ones speaking German, or Polish, or Apache.

    Additionally, your country is going down the gurgler so fast you'd be better off speaking Chinese, rather than your mangled version of English - or Spanish, which is what the vast majority of you Yanks will be speaking in a few years anyway.

  9. Yes in a way, but like cranberry, it's Snizz I'm bothered about. (and Lulu)

    btw, suggs is REALLY bugging me! my comments never show!!!

    Shambo, I did that the other day and it said my name was Hannah!! who the F is Hannah? I tried to tell Steph but she was pi ssed and didn't care! lol

    2 days ago! FFS! lol

    You both are. Don't make me sad :(

  10. FFS that suggestions board is now just a forum for bitching about Current Events regulars

    LOL @ Kerry! i wasnt! i do care! when did you tell me that??

  11. what is all the fuss about? i am happy to just come into C/E , look at the questions, and answer if i want, regardless of nationality.

    so what if there is a clique? you get that everywhere- why bother about it?

  12. I thought it already was.

    It is simple enough to select the option you want - at least that is my experience!

    Edit: I posted a suggestion for the 'problem' and it was treated with apathy - not a single comment!

  13. All English Questions, should be what it means.

    We should not have exclusive Q's & A's, this would defeat the whole purpose of learning & having opinions from other countries.

    When I log on, my page has Q's from all over the English speaking world & that's the way I like it.

    I have asked Q's on the UK/Ireland page & got told off by your good self.

    My country is small, my Father's side of the family came from Kent & my Mother was from Norway, so I'm multi-cultural.

    Also my 4 adult children all live in various countries, so I get to hear a lot about our world from them.

    I would hope this site is a democratic site.

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